You Can Call Me...

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It was some time in the late eighteen hundreds. Elijah and Klaus were sitting in a bar in Charleston, South Carolina. They had just found out that our most recent Katherine lead was a dead end, and they were attempting to drink away their aggravation. They were making plans to follow the next lead back to Europe, when a girl ran in.

She was young, maybe fifteen. She was panicked, and ran right up to the bartender. "Please, you have to help me!" she pleaded. The bartender brushed her off and went back to his work.

"What's wrong, love?" Klaus asked, not even looking her way. She turned to him.

"My mother, she's trying to kill me." Klaus chucked to himself and finally looked her in the eye. Her dark hair and olive skin made her bear a resemblance to Katherine, but it wasn't her.

"Now, why would she do that?" Elijah had started paying attention.

"Why don't you sit down and tell us what happened?" he asked. She sat down and told them of the events that occurred earlier that night. She started off with some family history, though, about how her real mom died when she was young and that this was her mom's closest friend. She had been spending a lot of time in the town libraries and talking to the older people in their city. Then, that night, she came home in a panic. She began rummaging through the house, and the girl asked what she was looking for. In a blur, the woman was at her neck with a knife. She was mumbling stuff about how she had to do this and that it was every man for themselves. In an act of quick thinking, the girl grabbed a broken chair leg from off the table and thrusted it into the woman's thigh. As soon as her grip loosened, the girl ran out of their house to the woods. She ran for a while until she came to a main road, and flagged down a carriage. Somehow, she convinced the driver to take her a few towns over, to Charleston.

"If you got away, why are you so afraid of her finding you?" Klaus asked.

"I know her. If she wants me dead then she will find me." Klaus laughed.

"Well, you managed to kill a few minutes of my time, but I'm bored now. Go tell your story to someone else now." He waved her off, and she left in shock.

About twenty minutes had passed before Elijah turned to Klaus. "Do you hear that?" he asked. Klaus shook his head. "Listen closer." Klaus did, and he heard a girl screaming uncontrollably from maybe a mile away.

"What about it?" Klaus asked.

"Don't you want to be the good guy for once?" Elijah joked. Klaus smirked, and stood up before running off in a blur. He followed the noise to an alley, but all he could see were a few drunks standing over something. He got closer and noticed that they was another one on top of a women. She flailed and screamed, but he covered her mouth and proceeded to undo his belt. Having had enough of this, Klaus threw the man off of the girl and looked towards the others.

"Now, I'm going to give you until to the count of three before I rip each of your heads off." He didn't even have to get to one before they had all scattered. He almost left before he heard a sound behind him. He completely forgot about the girl. He turned, and realized that it was the girl from earlier. He bent down next to her. "You're okay now." She shook her head.

"No, I'm not. They were just the warning. She's coming."

"I doubt your mother could have sent them here-"

"No! You don't get it. She will find me, and she will kill me. She has people everywhere, and I know that they were from her." Klaus sighed.

"Is she really that awful?" She nodded.

"I've seen her rip a man's head off." Klaus marveled at the woman's strength, wondering what she could be. For some reason, he felt a connection with the girl sitting next to him. He stood up and stuck out his hand, to which she gratefully received. When she tried to walk away, he pulled her back.

"If your mother is truly that awful, then I don't want you to be alone." The girl shook her head.

"You don't-"

"No. You will come with me, and I will protect you." She smiled warmly, thankful for her savior.

"Thank you."

"My name is Klaus, by the way."

"Thank you, Klaus. You can call me Kate."

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