I'm Here

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 It was like the most awkward family reunion in history. Katherine, Genivive, Kate, Damon, and Stefan stared at each other.

"How are you alive?" Damon asked. Genivive smiled.

"I was never put in the tomb. I was right at the door when a guard recognized me. He knew I wasn't Katherine, and tried to torture me into telling him where Katherine was. He threatened to shoot me if I didn't tell him, so I let him. Little did he know that I'd taken vampire blood an hour before. He was pretty surprised when I woke up. I guess they thought they found all of the vampires because he didn't have any vervain in his system. I knew I couldn't go back to Katherine, though. I would be of more use to her if I gave pretend leads to Klaus," she explained.

Kate stood back silently. She was so confused.

"So for the past century, you've just been helping Katherine instead of being with your daughter?" Damon asked. Genivive's expression turned cold.

"Katherine protected me in my worst moment. I owe my life to her!" she cried.

It all came together for Kate then. Genivive was sired to Katherine. She would do all the dirty work while Katherine lived a happy life. Kate's blood began to boil.

"Why didn't you take Kate with you?" Stefan asked.

"Kate was more valuable than you realize. Every 100 years, there's a new doppelganger. Katherine was the 1400 doppelganger, which means there was another one in the 1800s running around. Originally, I hoped it was myself. It turns out that I was one generation off."

All eyes turned to Kate. She couldn't believe it.

"You knew?" Katherine sneered.

Genivive's smirk fell. "Katherine," she pleaded, "I knew that if Klaus ever found you, we could trade Kate for you. At least we could give you enough time to run."

"She was more of a danger with us and you know that! If Klaus was following a lead on her, he would be led straight to me! How could you be so stupid!?"

"Is that why you tried to kill me?" Kate asked. Everyone was shocked to hear her voice. She's been silent the whole time. Katherine gave her a sick smile.

"It was nothing personal, I was just looking out for myself." Katherine turned to Genivive. "Did you care about her more than me?" she asked.

"Of course not!" she cried. "My loyalty has always been to you. I was blinded by my stupid maternal instinct. Is there anything I can do to regain your trust?" Genivive pleaded. Katherine's lips turned into a smile.

"Kill her, right here." She stated simply. She walked over to a chair and snapped off the leg, as if it was a twig. She then handed it to Genivive. "Kill her right now, and this will all be over," she whispered.

Kate froze. Surely, as messed up as Genivive was, she wouldn't kill her own daughter. Damon and Stefan tensed, ready to jump in. Suddenly, Katherine had snapped off two other legs and had plunged them into their stomachs, pinning them to the wall. They realized that if they tried to move, they would end of piercing their hearts, killing them both. "You can't do this," Damon spit.

"I think I can," Katherine whispered. "Kill her, now! I don't want to be here all day," she demanded.

Genivive didn't waste any time. In a flash, she sped over to Kate, aiming the stake at Kate's heart. She misjudged Kate's strength, though. Kate held her back long enough to make brief eye contact. She gave her mother a pleading look, begging her not to do this. The look in her eyes was cold and evil. She was ready to kill. Kate threw her across the room and tried to run out, but Genivive met her at the door. She tackled her to the floor and went for the plunge. Damon and Stefan couldn't see either of their faces. There was a cry, and then silence.

Genivive's body started to desiccate before their eyes. Somehow, in the fight, Kate had managed enough strength to plunge the stake into her mother. Katherine got a panicked look in eyes. "Until next time," she called before speeding off into the night. Damon must have got some paternal adrenaline rush because he managed to yank the stakes out of him and Stefan without grazing their hearts. He sped over to Kate.

In the entire time that he knew her, he had never seen her like this. She looked so weak or scared. She looked like a child. All of the walls she'd had up had been ripped down. He shoved Genivive's body to the side and held out his arm. Kate took it, but didn't pull herself up. Instead, she pulled him into an embrace. She just sat there and cried. She was like that for what seemed like hours, but was only minutes. Damon held on to her, though. He held on for dear life, as if letting go would mean he'd lose her.

 "It's okay," he whispered, "I'm here."

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