28. Mothers and Mix-ups

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for inviting me," I say as Carol leads me into the dining room.

Thomas, Amelia's father and her younger brother, Tristan, join us and we sit down for dinner. Thomas is the strong silent type, but the few words he say's to the women in his life are filled with adoration, "How's school, darling?"

"History is the bane of my life, but my enchantments are really improving," Amelia replies, Thomas nods his head and cuts his lamb, I wonder if he ever smiles.

"How about you Alia?" Carol redirects the question at me.

"Really good, I'm learning a lot," mostly about my enemies.

"That's an understatement, Alia's in an advanced spell casting class," Amelia adds as she cuts her food into tiny pieces before daintily placing it in her mouth.

"That's great. I hear your dating Prince Nathaniel as well and that it is getting pretty serious," Carol says smiling tightly.

"We've been courting for a while," I smile a little self-consciously.

"Understating again, they are already talking dowries," Amelia makes fun of me.

I roll my eyes but when I look at Carol her expression has frozen. She looks really uncomfortable; she clears her throat, "Aren't you a little young to be thinking about marriage?"

"Mom, three girls in our class are already married, besides it always takes ages for them to plan those huge royal weddings," Amelia tries to reason with her mother.

"I know but how old are you Alia, you must be only twenty?" Carol seems really bothered by this.

"Um yes," I lie because I get the feeling she is really troubled by the idea of me marrying young so I give myself an extra two years.

I hoped my answer would make her feel better but she looks even more distressed. She tries to smile but it looks pained. She's silent for the rest of dinner, Amelia and I chat about the party later to fill the silence.

After we finish eating Carol corners me,  "Alia, do you think we could have a private word?"

"Sure," I agree but I have a feeling I might regret it. Carol makes our excuses and heads for the door, Amelia raises a questioning eyebrow, I just shrug.

I follow her to a private study; I hear her cast a privacy spell. Whatever she wants to talk about must be important. She turns to face me, "You need to break up with Nate."

I'm flabbergasted. "No," I scrunch up my face in distaste, things aren't good between us at the moment but I'm not going to break up with him because she tells me to.

"Please just trust me, you cannot marry him," she pleads with me, I can tell that this is important to her for some reason.

"I'm sorry, but that isn't a good enough reason for me," I have no interest in continuing this conversation, I turn and stride towards the door, I have my fingers wrapped around the handle when she interrupts me.

"Nate is your brother," she blurts out.

I freeze.

It's impossible.

I feel dizzy.

I press my hand to my stomach; I'm going to be sick.

No, she's crazy. There is no way she can know that.

"How?" I whisper against the door.

"Your mother was one of my best friends, she wrote me a letter. She explained how Charles de Luca was going to claim the king's child as his own. I'm sorry."  

I take a deep breath and turn to face her, "Can I see the letter?"

"Sure wait here, I'll fetch it," she rubs my shoulder on her way out the door.

I sink into a chair and huff out a breath. I was falling in love with him. This cannot be happening. I rub my fingers into my temple before burying my face in my hands. I feel...I feel so blindsided; I can't even comprehend what this means.

The king is my father, and Nate is my half-brother. No, no, no, it can't be true.

Carol returns and slides the letter into my lap. The letter is creased and yellowing slightly. I unfold the letter.

Dear Car,

I want you to know that I'm ok, more than ok; I'm happy. I've met the most amazing man; his name is Charles de Luca. We're getting married next week!  I wish that you could be there, I know we promised that we would be each other's maids of honor but I know it's impossible after everything that's happened. Charles has agreed to give my baby his name and protection, I know he will love it like his own, that's the kind of man he is. I know one day you will find someone just as special.  I entrust you with this; the care of my biggest secret. Hold on to this letter as proof in case you ever need it.

Your best friend always,


I run my fingers over my mother's name, I've never seen her handwriting but I recognize it.

"Marie?" I ask for confirmation.

"A nickname, most knew her as Annemarie Baudelaire," I close my eyes at Carol's words. I finally know my mother's name. She didn't completely abandon me, she is M.

"I know this is a lot to take in, Marie faked her death not long after her ascension. She never said exactly why, only that it was a sacrifice she had to make for the greater good of the kingdom. High priestesses can be so dramatic," she smiles as she remembers her, I wish I knew her too.

"It's not me," I check the date on the letter again, that's why she wanted to know my age.

"What?" her eyes widen.

"It's my older brother Kayden, not me. I'm only 18. Kayden is the kings son and Nate's half brother," I'm relieved but also nervous; I have to find a way to tell Kayden. Why did father never say anything?

"Oh, well, I guess I overreacted a little," Carol rearranges her skirt and avoids eye contact. "I'll give you a moment to collect your thoughts," as she passes my chair she places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes, just like Amelia did earlier.

I see a decanter of amber liquid and some crystal glasses. I pour myself a finger and throw it back. I cover my mouth with my other hand, it burns the whole way down and makes my eyes water. It warms my chest for the inside. I feel slightly better so I pour another this time taking smaller sips.

Annemarie is my mother. I don't know much about her other than she was a high priestess and was engaged to the king. Then apparently, she got pregnant, faked her death, ran off to Davenport, married my father, had two kids, ran off again never to be heard from; barring some helpful notes.

What on earth did she see to justify all that? What kind of person is she? Where is she now, what has she been doing since she left us? God, I have so many questions.

My thoughts move to Nate; I feel better knowing that I haven't been doing incestuous things with my half-brother. It's still weird. Sharing a sibling with Nate is weird. I'd have to lie to him. I admit, I haven't been completely honest with him but this is different; I'd be hiding his brother.

I toss back the rest of my drink for courage; it burns a little less this time. I place the glass on the side table and root around in my purse for a portal charm, I always carry a few spares.

"Hey, what was that about?" I'm so out of it that I didn't even notice Amelia has come to find me.

"Just some more stuff about Nate, I think I'm going to go talk to him. I'll just be a hour, meet you back here?" I ask as I stand and collect my things.

"Sure, go get your man," she swats me on the ass and giggles.

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