Chapter 32

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They were in Clairvoyance Studies and Fortis was demonstrating something to the class about looking at signs that told the future.

"Very well done Mr. Potentia! Everyone, let us give him a round of applause for his wonderful and analytical demonstration! So, who is next? Ah, yes, Ms. Winter? Please deliver your demonstration/presentation."

"Hello, and good day to you all. That must sound queer. A greeting and then a farewell. Body language is also very important. We can interpret signs using our powerful minds, or choose to enunciate a single spell. Which will you choose? And that is the question that I leave you with today? Your choice reflects on your character. For example, if I were to use a spell, that would signify that I am a slightly lazy person who wants to get things done, but very effectively. If I were to try to detect using body language, that would mean that I like doing things the investigative way, the long way, and that I like to analyze things. Thank you."

"WOW, very analytical as well, Ms. Winter! Looks like there is some real competition going on in this classroom. Very bright children, yes. Very well, class is over. We will finish up the demonstrations/presentations tomorrow."

A bloodcurdling scream filled the hallway.

"What was that?"

"I want to go home! Turstab is no longer safe!"

"STEP BACK!!!" Professor Augrium ordered.

"I sense controversy in the air. There is a creature. We all know that. Then, why are we panicking? Calm down everyone. Yes, the children are safe, but all so worried. What am I to do? Bring them inside the classroom? No, no, I was joking! They won't all fit in the classroom. How many? How many? There are more than one hundred kids! No, not baby goats, you fool! Children! Oh, my, chaos everywhere! I can not handle this!" Professor Augrium fainted under what he thought to be was pressure.

Suddenly, there was more screaming, and this time, it wasn't the creature's victims. It was the little children, who witnessed the killing by the creature.


The hairy thing turned to the sobbing first years, baring his teeth and hissing, blood dripping from both his talons and vampire like teeth.

"Please don't hurt us! We are just little children. We promise we won't hurt you," four children rushed over to the horrific scene at the hospital of a dead Madam Joyce.

The four children's names were: Riley Feltric Winter, Fortis Sindil Potentia, Lustria Priscilla Desino, and Neeva Rosemary Celeste.

"I heard the scream and ran here directly. What happened? Did someone-," Aevum was breathing hard. She had just arrived at the hospital wing.

"Oh my. Madam Joyce! I can still save her! How long ago did the spider... strike?" Aevum gulped. This was one of the only adults whose company she enjoyed.

"I think it was about ten minutes and 17 seconds ago," someone at the scene said," But, kill the spider! Come on, you're a third year!"

"Oh my goodness! I completely forgot," Aevum turned to the others,"Don't forget the plan. Go, little ones!"

The younger kids ran away while the five children stayed to fight.




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