Chapter 16

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Then, the creature struck again. This time it was gory. It happened in the morning, actually.

They found someone laying in the corridors, blood everywhere. The children had to avert their eyes to the horrific scene of the rubies cascading down Lady Amelia. Lady Amelia was not a professor, she was a matron of some sort. She was a plump lady who wore many jewels. She was an arrogant person as well, and didn't care about the children. Frankly, the students wondered why wasn't fired yet. Literally!

Headmaster Prudentes began receiving letters from anxious parents about the death.

Many people were starting to leave Turstab.

Turstab had been through dire times before. This incident had happened four times since its opening. The incident with the creature had never been cleared up, as they never found out who the creature was.

As for Aevum, she found out what they meant by 'move her up'.

There was now a third year in Lustria and Neeva's dormitory by the name Aevum Desino.

Aevum was relieved to finally have peers who were as educated as she in all subjects. Only one person, and from the Intellectual Stream, had ever been moved up, and only by one year! Aevum had been moved up, do the math, two years!

Riley had more to say about this mystery. "You know," Riley said,"I know what the creature is! I know because I saw it with my own eyes! It is a spider! YES, A GIANT ONE!" Even more students, especially from Riley's section of the girls' wing, left.

Aevum, Lustria, Fortis and Neeva decided they wanted to do something about it. They couldn't let Turstab Academy end like that.

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