Chapter 4

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Turstab Academy. It was like music to his ears. Fortis raced to the whereabouts of Turstab Academy and then stopped. He saw three children gathered around chatting. One had hazel brown eyes with black hair, another had luscious blonde curls and eccentric blue eyes and another who looked eerily similar to the girl with the blonde hair, except smaller. They looked up at Fortis and walked up to him. "Who are you?" they all asked in unison.

"Your name is Fortis ?" Lustria asked.

"No, it is FOR-TIS, NOT FOR-TIYS," Fortis corrected the little girl.

"Yeah, I'm Neeva. It's pronounced nee-va. Simple, right?" Neeva grinned, revealing two rows of perfect pearly whites.

"Let me get this straight," Aevum clarified,"you are Neeva? And you are Fortis ? Did I pronounce that right? By the way, my name is Aevum. Do not, by any means, call me 'Aevie' as my dim-witted sister does." They nodded, slightly alarmed.

"Are you going to...Turstab Academy?" Lustria whispered. Aevum kicked her in the shins. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Lustria screamed. "Yes," Fortis and Neeva said. "I am eleven years old, Lustria is seven years old and you two are...?" Aevum asked. "1l," Neeva sang happily, disguising her real self of mischief. "11," Fortis muttered, seeming distant. They did not realize they were walking while they were chattering and soon stopped. Their eyes became as round as spheres. A magnificent mansion glimmered like a distant star. Its windowpanes were outlined and encrusted with sapphires, rubies, diamonds, and emeralds. It shimmered with a golden aura and it seemed to have some magic to it. It hovered in midair as the children watched, stunned. The door was made of pure gold and they could see the beautiful architecture of the mansion. The air smelled of a sweet aroma, like jasmines, roses and wisteria. The garden was graced with statues and vines of grapes tangled. In the distance they could see the sparkling water of the clear lake. They laughed, the effulgence of their wonderful environment causing the laughter. They spun around, their arms spread out.

They pushed the door open, a large squeaking sound filling the golden hall. They felt hundreds of eyes fall on the four children. Clinking of plates and forks soon filled the hall again as the students at Turstab Academy continued to eat their lunch. The children stumbled in, confused of where to go. A old man with silvery hair and a silvery beard greeted them," Welcome to Turstab Academy. I am the head of this academy. You may call me Headmaster Prudentes."

Aevum snickered, "Prudentes? You are calling yourself Headmaster Wise? That's modest. Just to let you know, I understand and can speak fluent Latin." It wasn't the first time Lustria had ever heard her intellectual sister brag about her intellectual prowess. "Anyways," Headmaster Prudentes cleared his throat awkwardly, "please read the information on these scrolls to find out your dormitory, hall and wing number; your bed assignment and your roommates. There are separate wings for boys and girls. The classes in which you are in will be presented to you tomorrow. Your list of school supplies and teachers will also be given tomorrow."

Headmaster Prudentes handed them each an ancient looking scroll of papyrus.

The children waved at each other and set off on their journey to their dorm.

"So, where do you think we should go? Exploring? Go where we're not supposed to go?" Neeva asked, raising her eyebrows up and down, finally revealing the 'real' her, a mischievous child.


Aevum sighed. "You two will be really good friends."

"Does that mean we can explore? Huh, Aevie?" Lustria asked, being the ever so annoying child that she was.

"NO!" Aevum strode ahead, Neeva and Lustria obediently followed her. Aevum, Neeva and Lustria glanced at their scrolls every once in a while as they casually strolled through the halls.

They passed beautiful oil paintings and pictures. Finally after their eyes being boggled for a long while, they reached South Wing, Hall 2, Dorm 23. The three girls found that they ended up in the same dorm room, much to their excitement. There were three beds in one room, so they did not have to face the awkwardness of someone entirely new. They didn't have to pack anything, as all clothing, food, shelter, and even school supplies were provided. This was very convenient for busy parents and also saved money for their families.

Turstab Academy was a five year course, so therefore, Fortis, Neeva, Lustria and Aevum were 'first years'.  

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