Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to the awesome @AmandaWoodsum for creating my awesome book cover! 

The four children took a liking to their classes, which were very... informative. At 7 A.M., they had Alteration with Professor

Friasky, who was a very strict lady. Prof. Friasky had a snow colored- tight bun on her head, gathering all the stray white hairs. Her glasses, which had a metal frame, rested on the very near bottom of her nose.

"Greetings, first years. I am Professor Friasky, and will be teaching, on all levels, Alteration. I teach every student in this entire academy, Alteration. You can consider me an expert.

Oh my, look at the time! Let's get started. Take out your wands everyone!"

They spent the hour learning how to flick their wands the "proper way". Aevum was the first to be able to do it, and was serenaded in praises by Friasky. Lustria's only response to this was grumbling.

As they filed out of the classroom, Fortis asked the group how they were doing, as he was not in the same wing as them. They soon started wondering what class they would have to go to next.

Sorry, it's really short. Anyway, here's something important that you all should know:

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