it was a long ride up but we finally made it to the door. he knocked a few times. a muffled 'come in' and he opened the door. i followed him into what was arguably the biggest hotel room ive ever seen. we walked past a full bathroom into a living room that was bigger than my apartment. there was a full kitchen, a large screen tv with a closed door beside it, and a full living room set, on which sat an older man with orange hair who wore nothing but a towel. my face immediately caught on fire. the guy didnt shy from the gym, that's for sure. suigetsu took a seat on the sofa across from him. i joined him on said sofa and for a moment, i could see under his towel. im pretty sure he was at least as big as i was. no shame in his game whatsoever. "did you bring what i asked?" the man grunted, his voice full of irritation. "whats with the attitude, juugo? you know good and damn well that im a busy man. i dont have time to drop everything im doing to wait on you," suigetsu was clearly just as upset as the other man, whom im assuming was named juugo. he sighed, dragging his large hands down his face. "im sorry, its just....well ive ran out and i need--" a phone started ringing, interrupting their conversation. he pulled it off the side of the sofa and looked at it. "just give me a minute. i gotta take this," he grunted, standing up and walking briskly towards that closed door. wow does he have a nice ass. the towel hugged his hips loosely and i could faintly see the crack of his muscular ass. the things i could do to that man.....shit. im thinking all this and i have a boyfriend? what is my world coming too.

as soon as the door to the room closed, suigetsu let out a long sigh of relief. "uugghh!! the sooner i get this out the way, the sooner we can be done," he thought aloud. "who was that guy?" i asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. "him? oh i dont think you wanna try and bark up that tree, john. juugo has been married for 17 years to my ex girlfriend. from the sound of it, they are in a rough patch but i doubt the chance he would switch sides," he said. at that, i heard some unintelligible screaming followed by some loud grunting. "tsk....sounds like Karin is chewing him out again," commented suigetsu. i sighed. while i do desire him, if for nothing but sex, i cant talk to him. id rather not brand myself a home wreaker.

it was roughly a half hour before he came out the other room. he still wore the towel but i was loosened, no doubt from him sitting on the bed. hell....if he were to walk in a certain way, im sure his towel would--"shit!" he grunted as his towel snagged on the side of the sofa, pulling it right off. he bent over quickly to pick it up but i saw it bright as day and it gave me a boner. his ass looked AMAZING. he quickly tightened it back up before sitting back on the sofa. my face caught on fire as he looked right at me. it was difficult to hide since i was......endowed. shit.

sometimes its really inconvenient to have a big dick.

the next thing that happened caught me off guard though. he....blushed, looking away quickly and closing his legs. "just...give me the stuff," he muttered, trying his best not to look in my direction. suigetsu smirked at the wordless exchange but neglected to comment, instead digging into his little bag and pulling out three bags of white powder. he set them on the table between us. juugo reached for them but halted when suigetsu put his feet on the table. "money first," he growled. juugo looked up, no doubt spotting the exposed gun and retreated, instead moving back to the room and returning with a small roll of bills. he handed them to suigetsu and after he counted it quickly, he removed his feet, allowing for juugo to claim the bags. he took them and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. i heard a faint click, indicating that he had locked the door for safe measure. i looked over to suigetsu, who was smiling like a child as he counted the money. "he gave us an extra 500, john!" he quickly counted out the money. he handed me three bills totaling 250 bucks. "normally i dont split the cut i get but im pretty sure you are the reason he was feeling generous. anyway, lets go. we have three more appointments," he said, getting up quickly. i put the money in my wallet before following him out the door.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now