Chapter 38

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** Oli's P.O.V. ** 

My eyes kept still on Kathy as she got up and headed to the door. She quickly turned around and a whisper came out of her mouth "sorry". I didn't try to stop her from leaving, cause she had to. I wanted her to be safe and it was obvious that she couldn't be here. 

I couldn't believe it. All it took was for me to leave the house for not even one hour and this was what I come back to. My wonderful girlfriend being sexually assaulted by my own father. It was heartbreaking to she her cry streams of tears for what my father was doing to her. I was just so fucking grateful to not being any more late. I think I would have never forgiven myself if he would have gone all the way with her.

My father got back up and all I could see was fire in his eyes. I had dealt with enough bullshit from him and this had crossed the line. He could do whatever the fuck he wanted with me, but the moment he touched Kathy, it was over. I could care less of him being my father. He was a disgusting human being. 

"YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THIS SO MUCH OLIVER!" My father screamed at me, charging at full speed. I didn't have enough time to dodge his punch and got hit with full strength. I fell down on the ground and there was my father. He began kicking me in the stomach, laughing at he was enjoying my misery. 

He then pulled me by the collar and banged my head against the cool hard wall with no regrets. I winced in pain coming from all over my body. I wanted to fight back, but I know I couldn't. 

"Now get the fuck out of this house before I kill you myself." He spat at me before banging my head one last time against the wall. I grabbed hold of myself and rush for the exit. I needed to find Kathy. I needed to talk to her, to be there for her. I looked around not even knowing where to start looking.  

I pulled out my phone and tried to call her, she declined the call and it went straight to voice message. I sighed, putting my phone back into my pocket. Where could she have gone? I don't think after something like that happen she would go back to her house. It would have been useless to even try to go to Zahara's place as in for 1. her house was far away and 2. she was in school right, being a school day. 

I  started walking down the road hoping for any ideas to pop into my head. She couldn't have gone far, so some place that was near and also enough lonely for her to be alone without being bothered. A place came to my head and even though I wasn't sure about it I started running hoping to find her there. 

I knew that more bruises were forming onto my face and it most likeky seems like I fell from a three story building and got crushed under a truck. Honestly, I could care less of how I look and all I cared about was Kathy.

I entered an abandoned park looking around for any sign of her. I looked at the trees and under a strong oak tree was Kathy, sitting down with her arms around her knees, crying.

It hurt to see her like that. I didn't even know what I was going to tell her about this whole situation. I walked over and sat down next to her. She barely looked up and saw me, her eyes bloodshot red.

"Kathy, I'm so sorry for what happened back there. I never thought something like that could happen, especially to you." I said the first things that came into my head.

"Why did you ignore me Oli? If you just answered one if my messages, none of this would have happened." She was able to say in the middle of her cries. I felt guilty, she was right. It was my fault. If only I was a better boyfriend she would be safe and happy right now.

"I'm sorry Kathy. I didn't answer you because no matter what excuse I would have used, you would still want to see me and that is exactly what I didn't need that. " I told her. She shook her head and looked at me dead in the eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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