Chapter 37

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** Kathy's P.O.V. **

I woke up with a smile on my face. It was Monday finally. God, what a weird thing to say but for once I was happy for it. I would see Oli again at school and I just wanted to see his little face. I still can't get over the fact that he was now my boyfriend. How did I ever get this lucky?

I quickly got dressed and put my make up on. I grabbed my bag and started heading to school. I took out my usual morning cigarette and started smoking away. I looked around as I past the place where I would usually end up meeting Oli, but he was nowhere to be seen. Eh, he is either already at school or his lazy ass is still in bed.

Once I arrived to school I quickly spotted Zahara and went over to her. She smiles once she spotted me and gave me a hug.

"So, where is your lovebird?" Zahara asked me curious. I scratched my head not knowing the answer myself.

"I bet he is still sleeping that stupid idiot. I'll send him a quick text to remind him that there is a thing called school." I said chuckling, pulling out my phone.

To: Oli <3

Hey, you still in bed lazy boy? Come on, get up because we have school. See you later <3

I clicked send and closed my phone again. God knows when he would wake up and then eventually see the text I sent him. I continued to chat with Zahara and the rest of the group as they slowly arrived to school. I looked at the time noticing that there were only a few minutes before school started and Oli was nowhere to be seen. He didn't even respond to my text.

I shook my head hoping that he was coming to school late and I would later see him during lunch. I excused myself from the rest of the group and slowly made my way to first period, alone.

** Lunch **

I was making my way to the cafeteria a bit annoyed. Hours have passed and he still didn't even bother to answer to my text. What was he even doing? I passed through the crowd of hungry people and sat myself at the table. Soon enough Matt and Lee sat down in front of me.

"How was your weekend?" I asked them to start some small talk.

"It was great! We had our first band meeting." Nicholls said all excited.

"Dude, we fucking rocked that shit. We all seem to get along and want to continue, at least in the near future, playing together as a band." Lee told me. Oh, that's good. I knew how much Oli was counting on that meeting. I knew that he wished to be part of the music scene one day but he was too scared to admit it. But he shouldn't be. I knew that he was going to make it one day and reach success. I felt it.

"Where's Oli by the way Kathy? I haven't seen him all day." Nicholls asked wondering.

"I'm guessing that he is at home, sick or just didn't feel like coming today. He hasn't answered to my text and I'm getting pretty bothered by it. I'm going send another one right now honestly. Like, what is he doing anyways?" I said, texting away to Oli again.

To: Oli <3

Hey, I haven't seen you at school today? Is everything okay baby?

I closed my phone again feeling like I was going to receive and answer this time either. The rest of the gang came up and placed themselves around the table.

"Hey Kathy?" Zahara called me, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked confused. She looked at me annoyed and then started to talk.

"I was saying, all this band thing with Matt, Lee and Oli is really inspiring. What if one day you, Sam and I join up and create one ourselves?" She asked me. I really liked the idea. I mean, music has had a major impact in my life and I just absolutely adore it. I guess it would be a nice thing to try out.

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