Chapter 23

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** Kathy's P.O.V. **

I stared at him with no emotions dead in the eye. It couldn't be. Luke? It didn't make sense. How could he? He ruined my whole friendship with Oli just because he was jealous pretty much? For months I thought that Oli just heated my guts and now I find out that it was because of my boyfriend. Boyfriend. No, he can't. Nobody could be my boyfriend by doing something like that. Everything I felt for him disappeared and was now replaced with hatred.

"Luke?" I finally spoken up after those moments of silence. He didn't open his mouth but simply nodded. He lied to me. He lied to me this whole time. He said that he was sorry about it. Sorry my ass. He made me feel like that. All for his personal advantage. I felt the world crumble down on me.

I brought my knees up and hid my head in them. I then surrounded my whole body with my arms. I couldn't believe it. My mood dropped and now I was feeling like complete shit. I tried to maintain a normal breathing sequence and not have a meltdown. I couldn't. I can't cry in front of Oli. I just can't. I tried to keep myself from cracking but my head burned it down. I was now crying on my bed, in front of Oli. Great.

Then something hit me. Music started playing. Not any music. "Painting Flowers" by All Time Low was softly playing in the background. It was from my Calm Songs playlist that I used for moments like these. Oli must have gone to my iTunes and saw the playlist. Oli put the playlist for me. Wow... He was trying to make me feel better. That was very sweet of him.

I looked up and saw his face in front of mine. He gave me a weak smile and I returned it. However just like his my smile wasn't genuine. All I wanted to do right now was to... self harm. I wish he wasn't here. That way I go just go to the bathroom and do what was needed to be done. He pat the empty spot right next to him. I scooted my but and sat where he told me to be. I felt an arm snake around my waist.

"I'm sorry Kathy." He whispered softly in my ear. I shook my head. How could he be sorry? Luke should be not him.

"Don't say that. It's not your fault if Luke did all of that. I'm so stupid to actually believe that he was a nice guy." I replied. He hugged me tighter in response. I slowly felt my head rest on his shoulder. It felt nice being in his arms. Oli made me feel protected.

"C'mon, we're not going to work on this project today. We can do that tomorrow. We are going to use today to make you feel better. Just don't be sad Kathy please." He whispered once again. I nodded my head against his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his slim body.

"Thank you Oli." The words softly came out of my mouth. We stayed in that position silently for a few minutes while the music continued to be played.

"Do you want to watch a happy movie or something to keep your thoughts away?" He finally asked.

"Sure. Do you have a movie in mind?" I replied as I took the computed and lied down on the bed. Oli copied my movements and we were now lying next to each other. He grinned as he took the computer from me and started searching it up on google. He soon clicked play and the movie was starting. I immediately recognized the movie and smirked along.

"Really, Scary Movie?" I asked him. He tilted his head to look at me and started to laugh and nodded.

"Of course! Scary Movie is the shit. C'mon I know you love it." He responded. I shook my head and went back to concentrate on the movie. However at half way through the movie my eyes started to become heavy. No, I can't fall asleep. What the fuck? No, stay awake please. I forced myself to keep my eyes open but after a few minutes the heaviness of my eyes had won.

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