Chapter 2

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** 3 Days Later, First Day Of School **

My alarm went of at 7:30 A.M. I turned around and growled. Fuck. I opened my eyes and turned the stupid alarm off. I got up and stretched myself. 'Get ready for the start of your worst nightmare Kathy.' I put IPod on shuffle and "I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket" by Pierce The Veil started to fill the silence in my room. I couldn't stand waking up and getting ready without my music. If I could I would listen to my music 24/7.

I walked towards the closet and stood there half asleep to choose what to wear. I decided to go with something that represented me. Many girls would go with their best dress and be the cutest doll alive. However I wasn't one of them. I would put only what was me. I didn't want people to think right away I was something I'm not. I chose my favorite Of Mice And Men black tank top, grey jeans, black combat boots and my black beanie. I went to my desk and put on a lot of my bracelets, which covered most of my arm. After I got dressed I went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I left my brunette hair down and as it usually was, a bit wavy. I put on mascara, black pencil, eyeliner and pale pink lipstick. I looked at my hazel eyes making sure I did my makeup correct and didn't mess up.

I went back to my room and got my backpack and IPod. Once I was truly ready I went downstairs to eat breakfast. My dad made pancakes as he usually does whenever it was my first day of school. He says it a good way to start a new year. He handed me a plate with two nice pancakes with maple syrup. I smiled at him as ate them with him. After I finished I told him goodbye and got out of the house. I plugged in my earphones and hit shuffle. "Kaleidoscope" by Blink-182 blasted in my ears. I smiled as I walked, sadly, towards school. After 10 minutes of beautiful music and in the mean time a cigarette I arrived to school. I had to admit it seemed pretty nice.

I looked at the time, 8:30 A.M. So I had another half an hour. Well, I guess it would be better to get to the main office so I could get my schedule and be prepared. As I walked I saw a guy. He was pretty tall, dark brown hair and had two lip piercings. He also had some tattoos. I wonder how he got his parents permission to get them. My parents would kill me if they found out that I'm planning to get a tattoo as soon as I turn 18. He seemed pretty alone. He looked up and saw me. I smiled at him. He smiled back and raised his hand. I was hoping for a wave but received a middle finger. I looked down and continued walking. Well great, the day didn't even start and one person already hates me for sure. I arrived to the main office, there was a lady at the desk, and she looked up and smiled.

"Well, good morning. And you are?" She asked me.

"Katherine Sparks" I answered. She smiled and stood up.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you Katherine. I hope you will like it here. Wait here for a second while I get your schedule and your tour guide for the day." She said and left the room. Tour guide? Oh god, could this be any more awkward? Do I really need a tour guide? After a few seconds she came back with a piece of paper and a girl. She was about my height. She was wearing something people would usually find weird, but I figured out right away it was Pastel Goth. She seemed pretty nice. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Well, Katherine here is your schedule. This is Zahara (Za-Hair-ah) and she will show you the school and your classes for today." The lady said. I turned to Zahara and shook her hand.

** Zahara is the girl in the picture **

"Well, it's nice to meet you Zahara. I'm Katherine but call me Kathy." I said.

"It's nice to have another person who likes Of Mice And Men instead Kathy." She spoke as we left the office. She likes them too? At least I wouldn't be alone with this so-called 'weird and shitty' music taste.

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