Chapter 17

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 ** Luke's P.O.V. **

I almost cringed at the sight of them being so close. Like how did this even happen? The last time I checked she pretty much hated him because of how much of a dick he was. Well, I guess I got to fix this situation pretty quick. I took out my phone know that my squad would love to hear the news to have some excuse to beat him up.

To: The Squad

Hey guys, I have some news. There good news for you. I just saw little emo Oli talking to Kathy. You guys know what to do. Teach him a lesson and show what happens when you go against the rules. Have fun with the punching bag. Try not to kill him.

I smiled as I sent the text. I looked back up and noticed that they were both gone. Kathy was most likely in the cafeteria. I put the phone back in my pocket and started once again to make my way to the cafeteria. I entered the room and smiled as I noticed that Kathy was sitting at our table. Well, at least she wasn't sitting with that idiot. I walked up to the table, sat next to her and gave her a peck on the cheek. She giggled and blushed. She's so adorable when she blushes.

"Hey Luke" She said with a huge grin on her face. I smiled back at her, noticing how her eyes would sparkle every time she would smile.

"So, how was your day so far?" I asked her not wanting to go too much in specific and to see if she would tell me about little emo boy.

"Eeeh, boring as usual. What do you expect me to say? Oh you know, we went on a roller coaster?" She told me and rolled her eyes. I chuckled and shook my head. Ok, I guess she wasn't going to even tell me about it. I think I'm going to have to ask about him now.

"Hey, I saw you talking to Oli. Did you guys make peace? The last time I checked you guys didn't even look at each other in the eyes. What happened?" I asked her. She looked at me a bit surprised but then smiled.

"Oh, yeah. We kinda did. We were in class and the english teacher decided to give us a project and chose the pairs. I ended up being with Oli and we just started talking. When you saw us we were just discussing at who's house we were going to work on it." She told me. I nodded as she talked. Ok, so they were forced to talk to each other. Eh, doesn't change a thing. He's a dick so I will let the guys just continue with what they are doing.

"What's the project about?" I asked her. She smiled as she thought about it.

"It's actually a pretty cool project. He is making us create a soundtrack for the book we just finished reading. So we have to find 10 songs that relate to the certain scenes of the book and explain how. I love it, I can just put my music and he can't get annoyed or mad about it if my explanation is correct." She spoke. It did sound pretty cool. I wish I had these kind of projects.

"I love the idea. Can I have that as like my final exam? I would for sure get an A+." I said joking around. She laughed with me and shook her head.

"You're such an idiot." She said and continued to smile. I smiled back and kissed her. I know that she really didn't mean that.

** Oli's P.O.V. **

I smiled as I walked away from Kathy. I just talked to her. I had a full conversation with her. I know I wasn't supposed to but I was pretty much forced to. Also, it felt nice speaking with her and laughing along. But then again, what if somebody saw me at her locker? Will I get in trouble for this now? I hope not. I walked towards the field but stopped for a second to go to the bathroom. Once I got out of the bathroom I got blocked.

I was surrounded by Luke's guys. This was not going to end well. I sighed and looked at them in the eye. They all stared at me and grinned. I knew what they were going to do to me in a few seconds. I could try to escape but it would be useless. They would catch up in no time and beat me up even more. Man, I hated this feeling of loss. I think I should just stay here so this will finish as soon as possible.

"I heard somebody didn't follow the rules." They started to say, and my blood ran cold. Someone had seen me talking with Kathy. Most likely Luke. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't deny it. It's true and I have no proof to give them to show them they're wrong. Plus they wouldn't even care and still beat me up. The world was cruel, seemed like this was the way I was gonna learn that.

"I think we should show little faggot here what happens when you go against us." Another spoke up. They started to get closer. I was trying to inch back but they had me circled. Again, I felt useless. Again, I wanted to run away and escape. The cycle seemed to never end.

"Let's teach him a lesson guys." One said, right before punching me in the nose. I groaned in pain and twisted around, curling over to hide my face from them. They snickered before someone slammed a foot onto my back, forcing me to collapse to the ground. I curled up into a tight ball, swallowing all and every tear that wanted to fall. They continued to punch and kick me. They were laughing, the sound echoing in my skull and making me sick. They were insulting me. They were finding happiness in beating me up. How sick could they be? As they continued their sick little game, taking turns in kicking me, or even daring to crouch to punch me, and insulting me and anyone related to me with words so foul that it would make Satan cower away, I closed my eyes to try and block out the world around me. They fell silent before the footsteps receded, and I waited a few moments before I opened my eyes. They were gone, leaving no trace behind except for my crumpled form.

I got up and limed back into the bathroom. Looking at myself made me want to throw up, I looked horrible. Like I didn't belong in the world. There was a cut under my eye, a scrape against my cheek, my nose wasn't broken, thankfully, but it still throbbed painfully. I got some cold water and tried to clean my face so it wouldn't look as bad, but it didn't work very well. My eye was starting to turn blue and purple. I gently dabbed away the blood, hissing softly and cringing every time I cleaned said wounds. There wasn't a lot of blood, but there would be enough that someone would worry. I finished cleaning up my wounds and sighed deeply, the feeling of desperation and sadness welled in my chest again and I closed my eyes, tugging up my hood of my hoodie and shoving my hands in my pockets. I hated this school, I hated the people in it. I hated my father, i hated everyone. I just wanted it all to end.

Instead, I was forced to continue my day as normal. I had to go to lunch, even if no one would notice me. I still needed some sort of nutrition to put in this piece of shit called a body.

** I hope you guys liked the chapter. Sorry, that it's a short chapter. So, I'm going to be hanging out a a friend's house for a bit of time. It is still undefined for how long XD. Well, I hope that I will be able to update in the next days, but if I don't it's just because I'm busy having fun with my friend. Also, I have to say a special Happy Birthday to Josh Franceschi . Feel free to give me any kind of advice. **

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