Chapter 15

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** Oli's P.O.V. **

I was woken up by the loud noise of the door being slammed. Great... my dad was home. I bet he didn't have enough from last night. I was still all bruised up and it hurt to just simply walk. I softly sighed and turned around in my bed so I wouldn't be facing the door. I could try to pretend that I was still sleeping. But who was I fooling? He wouldn't give a fuck if I was sleeping or not. His beating was never postponed. I just closed my eyes to enjoy the last moments I had of peace. I heard the footsteps getting closer. Oli, get ready to be beaten up. And there was the door being slammed open. I finally got up and looked at him.

"DO YOU JUST SLEEP ALL DAY AND NOT DO ANYTHING YOU USELESS FUCK?!" He yelled as he dangerously got closer to me.

"I-I'm sorry dad." I said very softly and closed my eyes in fear. He took me by the collar and lifted me up.

"YOU BETTER BE! YOU SHOULD BE FUCKING HAPPY THAT I DIDN'T KICK YOU OUT ALREADY! YOU ARE SO WORTHLESS TO ME!" He screamed at my face and threw me to the ground. I groaned in pain and wasn't able to move. He got closer to me.

"Just look at you! YOU'RE SO GODDAMN WEAK! NOW YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE FUCK UP AND BUY ME SOME BEER!" He screamed as he kicked me in the guts.

"B-But I don't have money. H-How can I buy you beer?" I asked him. He became furious and started to repeatedly punch me in the face.

"OH AND YOU'RE ASKING ME FOR THE MONEY?! IS THERE ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE FUCKING USEFUL FOR? HERE I WILL GIVE YOU IT! YOU BETTER BE QUICK! I WANT MY BEER AND ALL MY MONEY BACK!" He screamed and punched me some more. He suddenly left and I thought I was free. I slowly got up thinking it was better I should start changing. He suddenly came back and pushed me against the closet.

"HERE IS YOUR FILTHY MONEY!" He spat and he pushed the money against my chest and once again left slamming the door close. I sighed and got changed. I put a navy blue hoodie to hide all the bruises and some jeans. I put the money in my pocket, left the house and started walking. Fuck! I forgot my IPod, now I will have to do all of this without my music.

I hated everything. My life was so stupid. It felt like I was living like a broken record. I didn't want it. I don't want to live like a broken record. Well, I guess I just had this year and I could stop being like this. However could you ever stop being a broken record once you become one? How do you even fix one? Usually when you have a broken record you just throw it away. Is that what I'm supposed to do with my life? Throw it away like trash? No. I was going wait and work on fixing my life and making it better.

As I was walking I looked at the houses. I wonder which one belonged to Kathy. I wonder what she was doing right now. Maybe she was at home sleeping or just lazily watching tv? Maybe she was out with her group of friends having fun? Maybe she was with her so called boyfriend Luke?

Uh, Luke... That name was disgusting me. He had to ruin it. I bet Kathy must find me as a stupid asshole now. She must think that I don't give a fuck about her and all her friends were right. I thought that maybe I was finally able to find a true friend that cared about me and liked me. Was it possible that I could have ever had a chance with her? What other reason would there be for Luke making me act like this? I mean we were just becoming friends. Maybe he thought that a stupid "emo" idiot like me couldn't get that much attention from a wonderful girl like her.

She must find Luke all that amazing and sweet. But if only she knew his true nature. I bet she would change her mind quickly. However I couldn't do it. I can't just go up to her and say the reason I acted like this was because of her boyfriend forcing me to leave you alone. It would break her heart and maybe she wouldn't even believe me. I mean, just think about it, a dude who starts to act like a dick and ignores you for a long time just randomly comes up and says that your boyfriend was the cause of all of this. Not very believable.

I Don't Wanna Live Like A Broken Record (Oli Sykes)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant