Chapter 29

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** Oli's P.O.V. **

We were all sitting down in the living room not knowing what to do. Kathy has finally forgiven me for that stupid and awful joke. She was right now resting her left side of the body on me and she seemed pretty lost. Not in a negative way, but lost in her mind. If only I could know what she was thinking. The house was pretty nice and Nicholls and Lee seem amazing. Who knew I was ever going to end up becoming friends with them.

"Do you guys want a few beers? I mean, like I said before, we can literally do whatever we want. My parents will be gone for a few days because of a 'business' trip." Nicholls asked up as he got up from his chair.

"Yeah, I'd like one man" Lee stated while he was sitting down relaxing.

"I'm in, what about you Kathy?" I asked her. She finally came back to reality and stared at me confused not knowing what I asked her. "Do you want a beer?" I asked her again. She smiled and nodded. Nicholls smiled back and disappeared into the kitchen to gather up the beer bottles.

In a few moments Nicholls was back, holding all the beers. He slowly passed them out already opened so we didn't have to struggle at all. Once all of us had a beer bottle in our hands, he sat back down and took his first sip. We all chatted along while finishing our bottles.

Kathy got up and started to get something from her back pocket. It was in a rectangular shape. She took it out and opened it; taking out a cigarette from the pack. Now that I think about it, she didn't smoke that much recently. Her body was most likely giving her the need to smoke.

"Hey Nicholls, do I have to go outside or can I smoke here?" She asked with the cigarette in her left hand already deadly close to her mouth while the right hand occupied the pack with the lighter inside. He chuckled and nodded.

"You can only smoke here if you share my darling. Sharing is caring." He smirked putting a hand forward, waiting for the pack to arrive nicely in his hands.

"You little bastard, I swear to God that if you take more than one I'm going to chop your head off." She warned him and lit up her cigarette so she could place the lighter back in and pass it to Nicholls. He carefully took one out and made it as visible as possible.

"Damn Oli, you got a feisty one I see" He commented and we, the boys, couldn't help but giggle.

"Can I have one too?" Lee asked kindly. I had to say it surprised me a bit. Lee didn't seem like the kind of person that smoked. He had this nice and innocent looking face. Well, what can I say? People always know how to surprise you.

"Sure, you can take two if you want." She said smiling and most likely was already prepared for the question to pop up. I knew she added that last part just to piss off Nicholls and it was pretty effective.

"Hey! What is this bullshit! That's not fair. I deserve two as well." He complained. On the other side Lee was just laughing his ass off while he took only one cigarette.

"Oh shut up, I only got one stop complaining." Lee stated and passed the pack back to Kathy. She was about to place the back once again in her pocket until she turned around and faced me. I played my best puppy eyes and she tilted her head staring at me like she knew exactly what was going to happen.

"Can I have one?" I asked softly. She smiled and shook her head softly.

"Sure, take as many as you want Oli" She said, passing the pack softly into my hands.

"Thanks love." I said and then immediately regretted it. Did I just call her love? Oh god! What will she do? Shit, shit, shit, shit. She didn't seem to care that much, well if she was ever going to say anything she was for sure interrupted by the explosive Nicholls.

I Don't Wanna Live Like A Broken Record (Oli Sykes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora