i had yet to talk to him about our situation because....well i didnt really want to point it out, fearing that it was an omen that told us we weren't meant to be any more. well....really i was fearing how he would respond to it. i seriously doubt that after all this time, he would just back off and allow me to pursue other people. after all, i was his first. the first person to have him and he had very much resolved himself to give in willingly if i were ever horny, even if he didnt feel the same way at the time.

another thing that was starting to get to me was....well the satisfaction was fleeting. not to mention his increasing lack of stamina. he also passes out during now, the only reason why i would wake before he. somehow he still carries such a smile despite the situation in the bedroom. i opted not to tell him for fear that our relationship would change. the subtleties of us hadn't changed. birthday gifts, valentines day romantics, and the like would make you believe that we were on the path to being married within the year. it was for this reason that i was afraid of what to do about this.

its funny how a few words from hidan were enough to spark such.....conflict within me about us. i hadn't responded because i couldn't find the words. i couldn't find the reasoning for me being with him for so long. if the lack of satisfaction and the obvious pain for obito during sex weren't enough, i guess it was the fact that he didnt seem to mind. im sure he knows this about us but resolved himself to stay because in all honesty, sex was a small part of our relationship. maybe twice a week, we would roll around in my bed. after that, it was me and obito against the world. we were best friends, partners, hell he might just be the reason im still in school. the strain of working to pay the bills and still go to school full time would have crushed me if it weren't for obito. im confident that if obito hadn't moved in a few months ago, i would have dropped out, instead working several jobs to make ends meet with no end in sight. what i have with obito is more than just a relationship. its essentially guaranteeing my future. i honestly dont know what to do about this situation. i guess ill have to find a time to talk--

"babe, i....i want you to meet my dad," muttered obito. he had just pulled into the driveway of a rather large mansion, easily twice the size of hidan's. i chuckled. "been together about six months and you are already ready for me to meet the family? im flattered, babe," i said. i wish i were as cheerful as im leading on. if our relationship isn't meant to be any longer, id much rather cut it off in the beginnings than allow for guilt and heartbreak in the future. he chuckled in response. "i think he'll like you," he said as he got out the car, prompting me to get out as well. we walked up to the door, hand in hand like usual, and obito knocked on the door.

"good afternoon, obito. who might this man be?" it was an older man who answered the door. long black hair, not to mention the lack of shirt revealing a physique similar to obito's. his eyes were calculative and analytical as they darted between us. yeah, i was looking. the guy was good looking for a 30 or 40 year old. id hit that. shit. am i really that bothered by this that i can see other men? our situation may be more serious than i first believed.

"this....is john, dad. the guy i told you about?" obito seemed unsure about the situation. i was too busy ogling the man before me. he wore just some jogging pants and his physique.....damn near got me drooling. its been far too long since ive felt satisfied during sex. you can tell my much more than occasional horniness. at least as of late. he didnt seem to notice my looking but im sure its crossed his mind. it was probably obvious if you looked at my eyes.

he seemed to scan the information, shown by him grasping his chin in concentration. "we have more urgent matters to discuss right now. come inside quickly. no one can see this interaction," the older man, whom i now know as obito's father, motioned us inside with insistent movements. he turned and walked away. we followed him inside.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now