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"Did you tell them?" Noah asked panicking North through the phone. Jude had just texted North that he was on his way when the sense of fear settled into North's stomach, forcing him to call his best friend, and have a conversation in the fifteen minutes it takes Jude Griffin to get to the Sinclair's household. 

"Well...-," North started before Noah cut in. 

"You didn't tell your parents?! Whats going to happ-," Noah yelled through the phone, sounding more panicked than North. 

"Hey! Listen here, I told them I wanted a friend to come over for dinner, surprisingly they were happy about it, but I'll...," North paused to think. "I'll tell them when I introduce him, okay?"

"Okay North," Noah Anderson sighed, "Good luck!" And then the call cut off with the sudden noise of nothingness besides the racing thoughts of North Sinclair, those very thoughts drowning out everything exterior to his own body. 

"North honey, you're friend is here!" Maria Sinclair called breaking through his thought, causing North Sinclair's heart to rocket out of his chest and fizzle out back into his stomach. 

Jude Griffin is here... At North Sinclair's house... To have dinner... And to announce that North is gay as hell and is dating Jude Griffin.

North Sinclair runs down his stairs to reach Jude before his mother can say anything embarrassing to his boyfriend. 

"Jude!" North says rather loudly, more than likely because of all the nerves running through his body, but when Jude Griffin turns his calming grayish blue eyes to Jude, his perfectly styled blond hair falling expertly around the sides of his eyes, is when a sense of relief flood North's body. Relief that Jude Griffin was here, relief that he was going to tell his parents something that was weighing down on his chest, a relief to stop hiding who he was, and North Sinclair was freaking happy about it. 

"Hey, North," Jude Griffin said flashing North a dazzling smile. 

Next thing North knew like it time had skipped over twenty minutes and stopped right at the moment North felt Jude's hand grab his own and give him a reassuring squeeze as North was mustering courage to tell Maria and Thomas Sinclair probably his biggest secret ever. 

"Mom, dad," North said causing both adult Sinclairs to look expectantly towards their nervous son. "I have to tell you something," North breathed. 

"What is it honey?" Maria asked concern written on her face. 

"I'm...," North stalled. "I"m gay, and I'm dating Jude." 

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