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North was not prepared for this. At all. He did not expect the muscular body of Jude Griffin to stop him from taking a right down the hall way. He didn't expect the eye contact between the two. Grey clashing against hazel.

"North," Jude smiled. Why does this keep happening? North wondered.

"Hi...?" He responded as more of a question than anything else. North was unsure of himself and what to do in this situation. Jude seemed awfully sure though.

"Thanks for the entertaining me, that class is so boring," Jude Griffin said startling North. Out of all the things that Jude could say, North Sinclair was definitely not expecting that. Albeit he wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting from this blond haired boy. He wasn't necessarily expecting Jude to say something rude or mean, but he did expect that before anything else. North felt bad for assuming that Jude Griffin would do that.

"Entertain?" North pondered over the word. Then Jude smirked making North wonder what was so entertaining now.

"Do you only ever answer in questions?" Jude asked. North was about to ask what Jude had meant when he realized that he was about to do exactly what Jude Griffin had pointed out. Now he need another sentence, and configuring one while in Jude's presence was not as easy as it sounds.

"Uh...," North said in vain to fill the hounding silence between them, although with North's heart pounding, the sound of it trying to break out of his chest was reverberating throughout his whole body. And though North couldn't tell, Jude also had a similar problem, except it was his thoughts that were making all the ruckus. "I don't usually," North admitted.

"So why do you do it when you're with me?" Jude inquired. North was taken back. That response threw North into a flurry of thoughts of 'how the fuck do I answer this?' and 'why the hell did he ask that? Does he want me to collapse?'

"I- I'm not exactly sure," North sputtered out to his own surprise. This blond haired boy had North jumbled up. Emotionally and mentally, and this is probably the longest conversation they've had.

"Well we'll just have to figure it out- then fix it," Then with a wink, Jude left North standing to the right of the English classroom with a tomato face while wondering what the hell just happened.

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