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North Sinclair was still hung up on the word cute nine hours later at 10:30 pm. He was by no means tired, but yet laid in bed looking up at the dull white ceiling, his slender hands clasped together over his toned stomach. 

He tried to muscle his way through his feelings, trying to grasp at one solid thing he could call a feeling. Whether it was good or bad, but every time he  thought he had one in his grasp, it slipped away mixing once again. The same could be said for North's thoughts. But it was his body he was slightly concerned about. The word cute caused North's heart to do flips, his stomach to suddenly become home to thousands of butterflies, and his breath to hitch ever so slightly. He almost liked it. 

On the downside of all this though, along with the conversation exchanged nine hours ago- came the word gay.  North knew that he was gay for as long as he could remember, but he also knew what that entailed if he ever let on to anybody he was. 

His father and mother,  North assumed, wouldn't particularly entice any sort of happiness. 

So North laid there thinking of Jude Griffin's perfectly styled blond hair, sharp jaw, grey eyes, plump lips, and whatever lied beneath his clothes. 


Sorry this is so short, it's just a filler so yeah... enjoy !! 


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