I Need To Do Something

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North had barley seen Jude all morning despite having first period together, North assumed Jude was late. As North walked into the cafeteria with his friend in tow, he saw him. The grey eyed boy that had been haunting his every thought. Those grey eyes rose up to meet North's hazel ones, but North quickly averted his gaze. 

"Give me five," North distantly heard Noah order before his hand appeared in North's vision. 

"What?" North asked in a daze. He just could not- no matter how hard he tried- get Jude out of his head. Noah's response was just a glare at his friend. North soon noticed Noah's rather terrifying glare, and handed over a five dollar bill. "I'm going to find a place for us to sit outside," North told his best friend before heading to the large glass doors leading to a large school yard filled with tables for students to sit. 

Once he found a seat, he was soon joined by Noah. North once again knew Noah was talking but he just couldn't focus on him, especially when he was trading stares with Jude Griffin. North felt bad for doing this to his friend but he also felt like he was floating when the odd moments of eye contact between him and Jude were exchanged before they locked eyes. 

"I'll be right back, gotta go to the washroom," North says before taking off back into the school and taking a right down an empty hall going to one of the further washrooms from the cafeteria. What he didn't expect was that someone was following him. 

"North," North spun around to find a quickly approaching Jude Griffin. Their eye's set on each other, neither breaking contact. A weird feeling crept its way into North's body, finding its way around. 

"Jude, wh-," North starts to say trying to figure out what exactly was happening. 

"I need to do something," Jude says six steps away causing North's breath to hitch at the fact that Jude was no where close to stopping. Five. Four. Three. Two. North didn't have time register Jude's closeness before one of Jude's hand had wrapped themselves in North's  ruffled brown hair, and the other around his waist, pulling him to Jude, before Jude Griffin's soft lips came crashing down on North's own.


The gif is from one of my favorite shows, and then as I was making this chapter, I was like OH MY GOSH IT'LL FIT SO PERFECTLY YAS! So as you may have guessed I was incredibly happy. 

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