Why Me

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"Please open your books to...," North tried to listen, really, but he just couldn't. Not with Jude Griffin in the same room as him, and being as tired as he was, he couldn't make his brain stop thinking about the blond haired boy.

"Mr. Sinclair, could you please start reading for us?" North was suddenly forced out of his thoughts by the disruptive voice of his English teacher. She stared at him, along with the rest of the class, making North very uncomfortable.

"Read?" North repeated hoping that he misheard and was just being bugged by his teacher for day-dreaming.

"Yes, North, read the beginning of page two-eighty-two," The teacher deadpanned. North felt a sense of panic set in. He didn't want to read in front of the class. It wasn't that he couldn't read, he could read perfectly, but he didn't like having all the attention on him or his voice.

"Why?" North suddenly blurted out. He didn't mean to say it out loud, he was eternally asking why he had been picked, but no of course he had to have a stupid brain that allowed that single thought to slip through his lips. 

"Because I asked you to, North," The English teacher said becoming more annoyed by the second. North swallowed, then glared. Hard. North did not like this at all. Still he started reading, still glaring every second he could at his goddamn teacher.

It was only when the teacher finally decided that she had enough of North reading, and picked someone else, did North relax, and turn his attention to the boy who had been holding his thoughts captive for the past seventeen hours- only to find him already staring at North.

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