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The grey eyes of Jude haunted North's memory, constantly popping up in his peripheral vision. North could not shake the thought of Jude already looking at him.

Why would Jude Griffin be looking at North Sinclair? North Sinclair was practically a nobody, he never spoke up in class, and wasn't the star of a team or production. He was an artist, and not to boast, he was really good, but not enough for Jude Griffin to notice North.

Jude Griffin was the trouble child of the school, everyone knew his name and who he was. Jude's name was constantly tossed around the halls for one of his latest stunts. North has even used Jude's name in multiple conversations. North highly doubted that Jude Griffin has ever used his name in any conversation.

Except for yesterday's .

North's cheeks flushed at the coffee shop's conversation. Could he even call it a conversation?

Then the bell rang, and North didn't have time to dwell over yesterdays events, because he did not under any circumstances want to deal with the English teacher. North didn't have to, but he did have to deal with someone else.

Jude griffin.

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