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"Don't be a wet towel North, give me the details!" Whispered squealed North's painting friend. You see North and her were like the friends that were only friends in school, but would never talk outside of it. At that moment, North was painting a landscape, whereas his friend- Angie- was painting two crows. 

"Who even uses that expression anymore?" North said trying to deviate the conversation from his love life. 

"I do, now spill," Angie persisted. North sighed. He just wanted to paint in peace, art was his escape, and it was currently being ruined by another person, so needless to say, North was not too happy. 

"There's nothing to spill Angie," North grunted, his hand moving his paint brush across his canvas with planned motions. 

"Oh but I'm sure there is," Angie chattered on. "You see, I have seen that you and a certain resident 'up-to-no-good' boy have been hanging out a lot!" 

"Have you been stalking me Ang?" North said as he lifted an eyebrow to his friend. 

"So you admit!" Angie exploded almost making North drop his brush. 

"Noooo, I asked if you'd been stalking me, I never admitted to anything," North smirked, and as if by some miracle, Angie shut up, which allowed North to focus on his masterpiece. Land, trees, darker trees, shadows, illusion of a sky line, and North was done. 

North was examining his piece when a hot breath blew onto the left side of his neck. 

"Wow," A familiar voice said in awe from behind him making a shiver run down his spine. "Didn't know you could paint," Jude said coming up to actually be properly beside North. North tipped his head towards the grey eyed boy who was entranced by his art at the moment. 

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," North replied rather quietly. Jude turned a quizzical eye to him, a smirk teasing his lips, before he turned back to the dark painting. 

"Indeed...," Jude said. "Guess I'll have to pry all of it out of you," He said almost to no one. 

"Oh? And how do you suppose you do that?" North asked, a smirk of his own playing at his plump lips. 

"I have my ways," Jude winked before leaving his boyfriend in confusion and excitement in the art room. 


Not edited 

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