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"Really Sinclair?" Jude and North had just been paired for an assignment in English, and North tried to act as though the previous conversations had never happened, and he was successful for about twenty seconds.

"Really what?" North asked innocently although he knew exactly what he was doing. Jude Griffin just rolled his mesmerizing eyes at North. North couldn't help but notice the long and thick eyelashes that belonged to Jude. He found it slightly unfair.

"Doing it again," Jude simply said making North's cheeks heat up.

"It's not like I can help it, you say things that obviously provoke questions," North huffed out kind of annoyed, before he realized he just formed a coherent, sarcastic sentence startling him a tad bit, even Jude looked a little surprised. Then that dazzling smile that belonged to Jude Griffin, spread across his face.

"Fantastic! A full sentence!" Jude exclaimed. North quickly averted his gaze from the ecstatic boy beside him, he didn't want Jude to see his flushed face.

"I've said full sentences before," North mumbled into his desk. He stared at the assignment sheet lying flat under his ever moving hands. North wasn't particularly happy about his current conversation with Jude Griffin.

"I'm sure, just not in front of me," North could practically hear the smirk that Jude was sporting on his perfectly sculpted face. Then silence settled over them. Both Jude and North knew they should start the assignment that was due the end of next class, but for some reason neither of them could bring themselves to start talking about it.

"How did you know my name?" North suddenly asked. North hadn't really meant for Jude to hear him, albeit he was looking at Jude Griffin, but still it was meant as more of a whisper. Jude's face contorted into something North couldn't quite decipher, but he knew it was an expression riding the line of surprise- of shock. 

Then the most unexpected thing happened, Jude Griffin started to stumble over his words.

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