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It was like time had stopped, the world had quit spinning, and there was no one else in the world but North and Jude. It was like nothing else mattered, yet North still stood in the door way, as he slipped his phone in back pocket before surging forward, taking Jude into his arms. He silently thanked God that his parents had left town that evening. 

"North," Jude sighed out as he slumped into North's strong body. North pulled Jude into his living room, before he plopped Jude into the couch. 

"Jude, what the hell happened? Do I need to call the cops?" North asked worriedly, as he took Jude's face delicately between his hands, unconsciously rubbing his thumb over Jude Griffin's face. 

"I would've called the cops if I needed to, you doorknob," Jude said sarcastically. North sighed as he looked into Jude's tired eyes, before deciding he need to do something about Jude's injuries and get the details later. 

"I'm going to go get some ice, and...and the first aid kit thingy," North said, apparently unable to think straight. 

"First aid kit thingy? Really North?" Jude deadpanned. North just rolled his eyes before running off to find it. Questions and thoughts were running through North's head a mile a minute, making it seem like a group of wild horses were locked inside his skull, running around, and pounding, trying to escape. 

"Where else are you hurt Jude?" North asked, suddenly kneeling back in front of Jude. Jude shrugged, only after realizing it was a bad idea. 

"Everywhere I suppose, mainly my ribs though... I think," Jude said becoming tired. His eyes flew open though as North moved his hands to the end of Jude Griffin's shirt, before lifting it up and over his head- with Jude's help of course. 

North gasped at Jude's purple and yellow stomach, obviously very chiseled, but too discolored to the point that  North barley made a note of the abs. 

"Jude... how...why?" North asked quietly, his eyes meeting Jude's. 

"I thought I was invincible, that the world was changing enough, but I'm not and it isn't," Jude sighed, his eyes still locked onto North's. "It was just... a hate thing you know, everyone knows I'm bi, but apparently somehow it got out that I was with a guy... gotta beat up the fag you know..., " North watched as a tear fell from Jude's eye, he wasn't sure if it was because of physical pain, or mental, either way North didn't wait to find out before leaning up and pressing his lips to Jude's ever so soft ones. 

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