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"Now that my friend, is total and udder bs, and we both know it," Jude said as he rolled his eyes at North who tried to explain why Supernatural was the best t.v show ever. "Teen Wolf is better, I mean do you see all the shirtless guys? Cause I do!"

"Yes but have you seen Sam shirtless? Cause I think he automatically win hands down, and Jensen shirtless is just as amazing, plus I mean Jared, Jensen, and Misha are freaking gods," North countered. It was the next day, well night to be precise, and North sat on the edge of Jude's bed, while Jude reclined on a swivel chair. 

"So is Tyler- both of them and same with the Dylans and- hey the have open gayness!" Jude exclaimed as he threw his arms up in the air. 

"Ahem- Charlie Bradbury," North smirked at his boyfriend. 

"Ah, yes, well, I guess we can agree they are equally amazing shows, full of hot people," Jude relented, although he still felt Teen Wolf to be superior. 

"Okay," North sighed, although like his boyfriend, he felt Supernatural to be superior. "Hey, you know what we could have been doing instead of arguing over which show is better?" With those words- Jude's eyes glistened with mischief. 

"This?" Jude smirked as he made his way over to North, before he pushed him back on the bed. 

"No... I meant watching Disney princess movies," North said dryly through Jude's peppered kisses on his face. Then Jude pulled back with a smirk. 

"Sounds good," Jude smiled before he left- leaving North sexually frustrated wondering why he had such an ass for a boyfriend. 


Also you're welcome for that gif. 

NorthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora