In hope, they will reduce the only fear they have in mind.

And by time, he begins to hate Rydan's existence, as if he doesn't deserve to run through the night in the middle of the forest, while he and Aevin had to receive the stare.

Rydan will never know the truth about Ahron, because he never shows it or perhaps he only shows it through a joke.

The fact is he begins to hate Rydan.

Even though he couldn't hurt him, he enjoys the little things that happen to him.

As if each scar he carries, was the only cure to Ahron's old wound.

Obviously, he enjoys the little show he happens to witness around dinner.

The way Rydan only stares at his plate, perhaps wishing the plate will burn-in fire and turn to ash.

Ahron smirks.

"The Wedding Night will happen in six days, you have to do your measurement today or tomorrow," Edra muttered, focusing on her food.

Not hearing an answer from her son, she looks up, finding him dozing off.

Ahron could see it, the way his mother's face came to realize that he was thinking about something else in the middle of family dinner. Well, he is thinking about someone to be accurate and Ahron loves the way his mother's eyes swirl with fury.

He just wants to laugh at that moment.

"Rydan," she whispered, trying to control her bubbling rage.

Rydan raises his head, staring at The Queen, before looking at his brother and sister. Meanwhile, the King was absent, attending royals matter at this moment.

"Did you hear me?" Edra asked, raising her left eyebrow.

Rydan sighed and nodded.

"Can you repeat it then, what did I say?" she asked, this time her fury as clear as day.

And Ahron the only one who found it laughable.

Because the rest were surprised to see their mother looking this way.

Such visible anger, not direct towards them, but Rydan.

The Crown Prince.

"You just inform me, I have to do my measurement either today or tomorrow, is that correct?" Rydan said, raising his left eyebrow.

He challenged her.

This time, Ahron almost choked up, he tried hard to suppress a silent scream of laughter.

Edra tightens the fork around her hand, slowly turning the skin around it red.

She smiles at him.

"Good," she said and continues her meal, the one that has now turned tasteless.

Rydan grit his teeth, standing up and leaving the room. His hard step could be heard echoing inside the wide dining room as if shouting its coldness to the world.

Even with the existence of the fireplace.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

"The rings will come tomorrow. There will be tons of rings you could choose from. So you have to choose carefully. Lady Byrl chooses a blue pearl from Ryuas Sea, grace with white gold and green sapphire around the pearl. It was magnificent," Yoani gushes, while pouring Elleryn's tea.

The Daughter of Qyeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن