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Val's POV

I woke up as always, tangled up in Vic's arms. He was finally sleeping and I was grateful he was getting some sleep. Every night, he thinks I don't know, but I feel him slip from bed, not being able to sleep. I am not able to stay awake long enough to see what he is up to, just to help him untangle myself from him.

I carefully untangled myself from him, careful not to wake him, and wen into the bathroom. I did my morning routine and dressed in navy blue leggings, with a navy blue beanie, and a white blouse with blue flowers on it. Then I wore my navy blue vans. My nails, by luck were already painted navy blue, with my signature orange accent nail.

I went out into the living room, where usually Em and Jaime would be out here, but it was just Jaime this morning.

I realized that this was the last show. Dang, the summer had passed so quickly. I am so happy that Vic and I, and Tony and Deidre, are getting married, so we won't leave each other. I sat down next to Jaime who was watching Rin and Stimpy on the TV.

"I love this show!" I said

"Me too!"

"Awesome!" then we just sat and watched, singing along to the songs we knew. Eventually Emily and Vic came out and joined us. After a few episodes, Tony, Deidre, Cat, and Mike came from he PTV bus and started watching too.

"Guys, we have to go" I said to the LYAD peeps, "We have a signing in, like, fifteen minutes. They all said okay, and the PTV guys wanted to walk us to the signing tables.

We got there and started signing and taking pictures, Vic stayed as long as he could, but eventually he had to go and perform. He left me with Alex, from All Time Low, who was with Taylor. I haven't seen a lot of her this summer, even though she is the our manager and we should have been with her a lot.

The signing finish and PTV just started playing so we all went over to watch them play their last show in this Warped. It was great. Jaime fell a few times. Vic and Jaime had a contest with Tony and Mike to see which side could get the crowd louder.

Vic put his hands in the air and they screamed. "Can you top that?" he asked Jaime. Jaime started air-humping the crowd and they went ballistic. Jaime said something to Vic, I didn't know what but I would ask later. Mike threw his drum stick in the air and caught it, the crown loved that. Tony brushed his hands against a few girls in the front, and that killed them. I think Jaime and Vic won, but I guess we would have to see after the show.

After PTV was SWS, then ATL. After them was us, so we had time. We watched the SWS show, and after a while, PTV joined us to watch them. They left the stage, and All Time Low came on. I love their music. In the middle of the concert, Alex pulled Taylor on stage and serenaded her...to backseat serenade. It was magnificent! After a while we had to go back stage to get ready for our last performance in this Warped. It made me sad, but I knew that we would be touring again next year, and doing other shows.

We went on stage and it was the best performance all year. We gave a few shout outs to fans and other people. I was sad to be leaving, but knew that tonight, we were going to party and get wasted!

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