Date Night!

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I got back from the show, which was amazing, and went to get ready for my date tonight. I had time, because right after I performed PTV went on. 

I took a quick shower and curled my hair so it looked really good with the dress. During all of this, I was wondering where we would be going.  We could go to the movies, or to a fancy restrant. The possibilities go on forever. 

I wonder what the guys are going to do while we are gone. It's not like they can't function without us, its just I keep the conversations not awkward. I guess now that they all have their boyfriends, they could watch a movie or something. Whatever they do, I hope they'll have as much fun as Vic and I will have. I was done with getting ready, so I decided to go over to the PTV bus.

Everyone was was in the living room talking to each other. Everyone except for Vic. He was probably getting ready. I think it is pretty sad that I am a girl and I get ready in less time than Vic does.

"Guys, can I just express the hilarity of how, we, as girls, get ready in less time then you guys do."

"I know right!" Emily, Deidre, and Cat said at the same time.

"Hey, you guys want us to be beautiful too, we need extra time!" Jaime said standing up and struting around the living room like he was on a catwalk. We all laughed and I got up and struted too. 

"This took me all of a half an hour, and that was a long time for me" I said mocking him

"What!? It takes me a half an hour to do my hair!" Jaime said

"That's pretty sad Hime." I said laughing.

"Yeah, I know. But I look fabulous!" He said

"You totes look smexy!"

"I agree" Emily said giving him a peck on the check.

Vic came out of the bathroom and he looked amazing. 

"Hey" he said wrapping his arms around me and giving me a kiss on the check. "you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said

"Well then, we're off!"

"To see the wizard?!" I said giggling

"Of course!" Vic said playing along

"Bye guys!" i said to them while I was walking out the door.

"So, where are we going?" I asked getting into the car he obviously got for this date.

"Oh, you'll see" He said

We started heading to wherever our date was. We got to a theater, like an auditorium theater,  and got out of the car. It had no other cars there. I wonder what Vic has planned.

We went inside and there was no one in the ticket counter. We went right in

"Vic, whats going on?" I asked

"You'll see" He said

We took our seats which were in the middle of the theater and a spotlight came on the stage. Gerard was there with the rest of MCR.

"OMG VIC, YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!" 

"Oh, but I did!"

"OMG! I love MCR! They left the music industry though! How did you get them to come and perform here?!"

"Gerard owed me a favor."

"Vic, I love you!" I said sitting down and watching MCR as the performed all of my favorite songs. At the end, They went on the microphone and asked if I had any other requests. I said no and they asked me to come up there and sing a song with them. It was Teenagers.'

When it was over, he looked at me and said, "You have a very beautiful voice." It made my heart melt!

"OMG, thanks. i love you guys and i have missed ya'll so much!"

"Thanks, it felt good to perform again. We have missed it too."

"Yeah, its a real rush! i'm so excited you did this. I have loved you guys since you first started performing. I have been a forever, die hard fan."

"Wow! thanks. We love meeting fans that have been here from the start."

"Now, I have to ask you a question"

"Sure" he said

"Well, I noticed your last song that you played in your last performance was Helena. So the last words you sang to a crowd was "So long and goodnight". Was that planned?"

"Wow, i didn't even catch that! That's so cool!.... I'm going to start saying we planned that, don't tell anyone!"

I laughed. I hope I turn out to be just like them. Vic came up on stage and wrapped his arms around me and said thanks to Gerard and MCR. MCR left and we had the whole theater to ourselves.

"Did you have fun?" he asked

"So much. I love you so much for doing this!" I said hugging him and giving him a kiss.

"Valarie Jane, I love you with all of my heart. i would do anything for you, and give anything to you. My only thought is to please you every day," He got down on one knee and pulled out a box, "And I hope you will give me the greatest pleasure in the world. Will you marry me?" He asked with hope and pure happiness in his eyes.

"Of course! I have loved you since the night at the bonfire!" I said and he put the necklace on my finger I gave him a hug and kissed him more passionately than i ever have before. I truly loved him and now I was going to marry him! He knew I always wanted a betrothal necklace instead of a ring. He truely knew and loved me!

We stopped kissing and he said, "Lets go home and tell the guys"

"NO!" I said

He looked hurt, "Why not?"

"It's just, tony wanted to propose to Deidre and i don't want to be overshadowing her. I love her to much for that. She will be way happier if Tony proposes to her and then you propose to me. However, after you and me are engaged and Tony and Deidre are engaged. The rest of the girls will be jealous."

"Oh, well. Tony told me that you were going to go shopping with him and Emily to find a ring then he will propose."

"Yeah. So, if you, Jaime, Mike and Cat distracted Deidre tomorrow, maybe took her to meet fans or something, then we could go and pick out a ring."

"Its a plan" he said kissing my check and closing the car door for me. He went over to his side as I played with my necklace. I loved it, it wasn't showy, it was just a silver chain. We went back to the tour bus and everyone was crowded in the living room watching a movie. It was Nightmare Before Christmas and the Oogie Boogie song was on, one of my favorites. I ran over, still holding Vic's hand, and sat on his lap singing the Oogie Boogie song. After a few words Deidre joined in. We got up and started dancing to it.

After the song was over, we sat back down and watched the rest of the movie. i snuggled into Vic. Sometime during the ending, when Sally and Jack fell in love, I fell asleep. i woke up when Vic carried me to his bed with him. I got back up and got a water, brushed my teeth, and got sweatpants and an MCR tank top on. I layed back down next to Vic and fell back asleep snuggled unto him.

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