Statement Interview

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I woke up the next morning curled up into Vic's arms. My hair was in knots and a mess. I untangled myself from him, he should got some sleep. I went into the bathroom to take a shower then remembered my arm. I'd never had a broken anything before so I guess I'd have to ask one of the guys what to do to take a shower. I walked out into the living room where Tony was the only one awake, and sitting on the couch.

"Hey Ton." I said

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just, I don't know how to take a shower with this thing" I said gesturing to my arm.

"Oh. You can't tell me you've never had anything broken before?" I said like I was insane.

"Well, I'm anemic, so I'm not really able to break anything or I would die. That's why I'm really lucky ya'll showed up when you did. I would've bleed out before he would've been able to painfully kill me. Other than the pain he had already caused me. Also, I play violin. I wasn't allowed to break any of my body parts, especially my arms."

"Oh. Um, well, you should wrap it in a grocery bag and take a shower using one arm. Don't get your cast wet."

"okay, can you help me?"

"Um... Yeah, sure." He said getting up and getting a grocery bag. He helped me wrap it then left and said if I needed any more help, or anything, to call him and he would be here.

I took a shower, which was a pain. Not painful, but just hard. I got out and got dressed, which hurt and was hard. This is why I don't break my body parts!

I went back out into the living room, where everyone had woken up and was sitting there waiting for me. I sat down next to Vic.

"What's going on guys?"

"It's almost time for your statement interview." Vic said

"You can have us there if you want" Tony said comfortingly and Deidre and Emily nodded.

"No, it's fine. Just, can you stay Vic?" I said

"Yeah, of course babe."

"Oh! We forgot didn't we?!" I said

"For got what?" He asked I pointed to my necklace. "OH! Yeah we did. Some good news would be nice right now wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

"WHAT!?" Emily and Deidre screamed done with surprises

"Do you want to tell them, or me?"

"You can do it." He said

I looked at all of them. "Vic and I are engaged!"

"OMG NO WAY!!!!!!" Deidre said. "Tony and I too. You didn't know because of the incident."

"oh, Tony, Em and I went and picked the rings. We all knew but you."

"Well, out of the loop I see! anyway, how did he do it?" Deidre said

"He took me to an auditorium theater, like what we used to play in for orchestra. and MCR performed!!!!! Then he proposed!"

"OMG, THAT'S AMAZING! Tony-" Dedire

"Yeah, I know. I helped." Me

"Well, out of the loop again I see!" Deidre said

"Um, guys, it's time." Jaime said awkwardly breaking in.

"Okay, I'll see ya'll after?"

"Always girl!" Deidre said giving me a hug of luck.

We got the computer out and called the number the told us to call.

Two cops were on the other side of the computer. "Just for the record, we are recording this. This is your statement recording what happened during your kidnapping. Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"Yes" I said

"Okay then, lets begin. Just tell your story of what happened."

"Well, I was taking a walk...." I told them the whole story, leaving nothing out, in excruciating detail. The whole time Vic had his arms wrapped around me. Through the tears and screaming, everything. A few times I had to stop, because his grip tightened so much it hurt. After it all, they said thank you and that the guy would probably get life. They would let us know.

We hung up and Vic went to get the guys. He left and it gave me time to clean myself up.

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