Vic's POV Midnight!

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Vic's POV----------

I felt her go limp in my arms and knew she fell asleep. I couldn't believe I wasn't there to protect her. That monster is going to pay for hurting her. I should've protected her. I swore I would.

I laid there for hours trying to sleep, but not being able to. I check the time on my phone and it was midnight. I knew I wasn't getting any sleep tonight. I gently and quietly untangled myself from Jane and went out to the living room.

Earlier I heard everyone go to bed or to the other bus. I got some cold water. I don't know why, but warm drinks don't make me sleepy, cold water does.

I sat down in the dark room doing nothing but thinking and drinking. After a few minutes Tony came out.

"dude, what are you doing, its one in the morning." he whispered.

"Wow, when I came out here it was midnight. I guess time passes. Any way, I couldn't sleep."

"Dude, what happened to Val isn't your fault. You know that right"

"Yeah, but I just keep thinking of what she went through and how I should've protected her."

"Just comfort her, that's all you can do now." He said getting up and putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. :Goodnight man, get some sleep."

"Goodnight" I finished my water and got back in bed.

I heard her whimper a few times, then she screamed. She kept screaming NO.

"VALARIE!" I screamed waking her up.

"She shot up looked around and saw she was in bed with me. Tears welled up in her eyes and she collapsed in my arms crying. Everyone on the bus woke up and came to our bunk.

"IS SHE OKAY!?!?!?" Deidre screamed holding tightly onto Tony. I looked at Tony, and he looked back at me with an sympathetic look in his eyes.

I told them it was a nightmare and they all went back to bed. I kept stroking her hair while she cried.

When the crying slowed down she said, "It was a dream about the guy" and the tears started again, "Before you came in, he threatened to kill me. He had his knife out and was about to. I dreamed what w-would've happened if you hadn't come in."

"It's okay, that is never going to happen" I said stroking her hair until she went back to sleep. I didn't want to know what he did, and I didn't want to know how the interview for her statement was going to go tomorrow.

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