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The show was amazing. I saw Vic backstage cheering me on and that just gave me more energy. I started to jump around and I stage dived. It was great!

When I got off the stage Vic kissed me. It was really passionate and loving. Then he went to perform, but not until he asked me to hang out with him and the guys later.

I went back to the bus to get ready. When I walked in, someone was on my couch.

"Who is there?!" I asked slightly alarmed.

"Only me!" a familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw my friend Taylor.

"OMGOODNESS Taylor!!!!!" I said while attacking her with a hug

"Hey hey hey!!!!!" she said

"What are you doing here!?"

"They didn't tell you? I'm your tour manager! I saw the job and knew this was your band so I decided to give it a shot. Plus, I'm really good at managing tours. It was my calling."

"Oh, I didn't see you after we graduated high school. I was wondering what you were up to!"

"Yeah, who else is in the band, I should probably meet them."

"OMG, Its Emily, from high school, Deidre, Emily and I's friend, and Cat who was in high school with us. You only talked to her a few times."

"OMG, I really want to see Emily!"

"Well, I'm not sure but I think their in the PTV bus. I'm hanging with them later. Just let me get ready. I just got back from a show and I'm really nasty right now. give me ten minutes and we can go find them."

"KK, whenever, I'm going to make myself comfortable"


After I got ready, we walked to the PTV bus and the rest of them. Cat and Mike were gone, probably making out. Emily and Jaime were sitting on the couch talking quietly to each other. Deidre and Tony were playing COD. "Hey you guyyyys! guess who I found!!!!" I said while Yaylor and I walked in

"OMG Taylor?!?!?!" Emily said running over. We were really close in school.

"You know it girl!" Taylor said while giving her a hug. Deidre and Taylor waved and the guys just looked confused.

"Who is this?" Jaime asked walking over.

"Oh, this is Taylor, we were close friends in school. We kind of lost touch when we graduated." looking to Taylor, "Speaking of that, first: what have you been up to, second, not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?" Emily asked

"Taylor here is our new tour manager. She is going to be staying with us!" I answered

"OMG no way!!!!" Emily said

"Oh, sorry, Tony Jaime, meet Taylor." They both said hi and Jaime gave her a hug then Vic came out.

"Hey sweetie" I said while he took me y the waist and gave me a really passionate kiss.

"Get a room guys, at least Cat and Mike do!" Jaime said.

We pulled away and he kept his arm around my waist. "Who is this?" he asked me gesturing to Taylor

"She is our new tour manager and one of my close old friends."

"cool, it's nice to meet you" he said giving her a hug, then putting his arm back around my waist.

"Wow, I'm getting a lot of hugs today!" Taylor said

We all sat down and they started getting to know Taylor. I was sitting in Vic's lap.

"Hey babe, you want to take a walk?" I said to him quietly.

"Sure, let me tell the guys and get us jackets." He got up to leave and whispered to Mike where we were going then got jackets and we got up and left. We walked for a little bit talking about random stuff until we got to an empty field.

I looked at Vic and poked him in the stomach, "Race you!" I said taking off running towards the field.

"Okay, but I'm going to win" He said taking off after me. He caught up and grabbed my waist. He pulled me down and said, "I win."

"What do you want" I said seductively

"You" he said looking into my eyes. Before kissing me. It started out slow and gentle but soon got passionate. Our lips moved in sync and he lowered me onto the field. He licked my bottom lip and we made the kiss deeper. I took off jacket because it was getting hot and he started unbuttoning my button down shirt.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes. I nodded, we were out of sight In a field in the woods. The only light on us was the moonlight.

"Do you have protection?" I asked.

he nodded and put it on. We started kissing again, this time more hungry. I took off his shirt and he finished unbuttoning mine. He pulled back and gave me one last are you sure look. I nodded again and the rest was a blur.

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