Chapter 26

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Lauren's POV

"How've you been keeping up these past few days?" my mom asked me while we were FaceTiming.

"Pretty good. We're all are out here living life, recording the album, I've been doing yoga, getting in shape," I nodded as I explained. "So, so far so good."

"That sounds great, Lauren," she smiled. "You look good."

"Thanks," I grinned. "You do too, Mama."

"Thank you. And I can see already with you working on this new music that you're expressing your feelings through it."

"Definitely," I agreed. "I'm letting it all out in the studio." Yesterday, we recorded a song called "Not That Kinda Girl" and it's about how us girls aren't really into hooking up with someone we just met. Even though I may have done that a couple times, I wasn't going to go back.

"And how's Camila doing? Do you know?" she asked.

"Yeah, I think she's doing better. We went to the movies last night and had a good time," I answered.

"The movies?" her eyes widened.

"Yes, Mom, we can still go to the movies as friends," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Friends?" her eyes widened even more.

"Mama! Be cool. We've been making a lot of progress already."

"But you're still doing alright yourself?"

"Yeah, I really am. I feel like I can focus more on myself now that I'm single. Like, I can take time and care about my feelings and wants before anyone else's."

"That's very great to hear. So proud of you, Mija."


Narrator's POV

"I want her back, Mani!" Lauren sobbed in her best friend's arms. While she's had a pretty good past few days, today was only just getting worse for Lauren. During the girls' studio session, Lauren listened to Camila's sweet voice in the booth and wanted to break down. Everything about the breakup hit her again and she hated herself for ending things with the love of her life.

"Lauren..." Normani sighed, rubbing the Latina's back.

"W-what was I thinking?! I lost her!" she ugly cried.

"You were doing so good, Lo," Normani cooed.

"Face it, I'm a mess without her, Mani," Lauren sat up, still sobbing. "I want her back."

"Lauren, you don't. You made the decision to breakup and you can't take it back just like that. You did this for your own good and you need to stick to it."

"I-it's so hard though," Lauren grabbed a few tissues and wiped her face.

"I know. Breakups are terrible but they happen for a reason."

"I miss her," Lauren mumbled.

"Lauren, didn't you say that you were going to be independent and focus on yourself?" she looked at her seriously.

"Yeah, until I realized Camila will have my heart forever. I'll never stop loving her."

"If you really love her, you'll let her go."

"Please," Lauren scoffed. "Why would I do that? Why did I even do that? I'm such an idiot. We could still be together, living happily."

" would've been miserable," Normani eyed her sternly. "Remember why you're doing this... to find yourself and be happy with yourself. Before you love Camila, you gotta love you. You said so yourself, 'love yourself and never forget about yourself.'"

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