Chapter 20

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Lauren's POV

"Does it hurt?" Normani asked as she was sat next to me cringing at the sight.

"Eh kind of...not really," I shook my head, looking down at my arm that was currently getting tattooed.

"It looks really good," the tattoo artist complimented.

"Yeah, it does," I grinned. I was getting "27" written in roman numerals. It looked cool and I've always wanted my lucky number tattooed on me. Twenty-seven is personally so special. It says that those who relate to the number are "compassionate, highly intelligent and kind, 27's are true humanitarians, natural teachers, healers and counsellors." It was perfect for so many reasons other than that but it was just my number.

"And we're done," the artist finished wiping me off. It didn't take too long and wasn't all that painful since the arm wasn't that much of a sensitive area when it came to needles.

"Awesome," I smiled. "Thank you so much, it looks amazing."

"No problem," he nodded and Mani and I left the shop here in New Orleans. We had a show the next day in San Antonio but I was fortunate for the pit stop.

"You got balls, Lo," she said as we walked back to the bus with Big Rob.

"No kidding," I chuckled. "Hopefully the girls like it." I couldn't stop looking at my treat to myself...maybe rolling in these platinum single dollars wasn't so bad.

"They definitely will."

"Oh my gosh, I'm obsessed!" Ally eyed my arm closely.

"I want one!" Dinah shouted.

"This is genius!" Camila fawned.

"Thanks guys," I giggled at their cuteness.

"And so hot," my girlfriend wrapped her hand around my bicep and leaned into me. The other girls were already clearing out, giving us some privacy in the back of the bus.

"Caaamz," I looked down with an intense blush.

"Come cuddle with me, baby," she hummed.

"I would but Mani and I were planning on-"

"Don't say it," she cut off, rolling her eyes. "I know you'd rather spend time with Mani more than me."

"No, Camz, it's not like that." I tried to explain but after continuously denying her invitations to spend time with her, it was starting to send the message that I didn't want to be around her. And that wasn't what it was at all. Well, maybe sort of. But Normani and I had been connecting so well together lately and I've been going to her a lot for advice and a little bit of help for what I'm going through. I just felt like she could understand the best right now.

"Then, what is it like, Lauren? You never hang out with me anymore and you keep shutting me out. It's been like this for a while now...I mean, you still don't want to tell me what's going on?" she asked with hopeful eyes.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I truly am sorry, babe, but right now I'm still figuring it out. You'll know soon." I felt so bad but I needed to do this my way. It was the only way.

"When? I'm so worried about you." I could see the tears forming in her eyes and kissed her forehead for comfort, wrapping my arms around her waist protectively.

"Soon. I love you," I squeezed her tighter and rested my chin on her head while she curled into me.

"I love you too," she mumbled against my jacket. "I'll always love you, Lauren."

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