A Percabeth Christmas Story

Start from the beginning

I leaned back against the headrest of my bed. Fuuuuuuuuuck. What did I do? I thought. I really hate the fates sometimes.

Annabeth Pov

What the Hades did I just do? Why did I Snap at him? I wanted to go back but it was too late. I had too much pride to go back in there and admit that I was wrong not him. I should have given him more time to think. I shouldn't have given him back my rings. My finger feels empty without them. He probably thought we broke up but that's not true. I needed to take them off so that they wouldn't remind me of him while I tried to clear my head. I hope I get those back.  I sighed and walked down the stairs, hoping to avoid Sally and Paul, as I did not want to explain what the shouting was about or why I was leaving.

Thankfully I had avoided Percy's mom and stepdad and I left the house unnoticed by everyone except Percy. I got in my car  and started it, finally allowing the tears to fall. I wiped the tears away and drove off towards camp. The snow had made the roads wet and more dangerous that they usually were.  I really wish that camp wasn't so far away.

I came to a red (I wrote read. lol) light and stopped like I was supposed to.  A large pickup truck came up behind me, and apparently he didn't see my silver car with Bright green tail lights in the white surroundings because he slammed into the back of my car. Thankfully all of the other lights were red because I moved forward into the intersection.  Within minutes I saw bright flashing lights that made my head hurt and loud piercing sirens that made my ear drums bleed. And  That was my last memory before the world went dark.

Percy pov

(now listen to the song)  

I hadn't moved since Annabeth left ten minutes ago. I was hoping she'd come back in here, I would apologize and everything would be okay. But I knew that wouldn't happen because she had too much pride to come back and admit she was wrong especially after she left the way she did. 

My phone rang and I grudgingly fetched it from my pocket. Annabeth's name flashed across the screen and I quickly answered. She couldn't be at camp already, there was no way. " Annabeth, I'm sorry. please come back. I miss you." I spoke before giving her a chance to say anything.  "Um sir this isn't Annabeth." Said a masculine voice.  Who is this person and why does he have Annabeth's phone? " Where's Annabeth? and who are you?" I asked desperately. " I'm a paramedic and Annabeth was in a bad accident  and we took her to the hospital. We needed to alert a parent or guardian about the accident. So we went through her contacts  for one that might say mom or dad. And you were the first person we found. We decided to call you because you have the same last name. We thought you might be related. Are you?" The man said.

My heart had risen to my throat, gods I hope she is okay. "sir?" the man said. "yes, I guess we're related. She's my wife. Tell me where the hospital is and I'll be there soon." I replied quickly. the man told me the address and hung up.

I got up and grabbed my keys and ran downstairs. "Percy, where are you going ?" My mom asked me. I'm stupid is all I said then ran out the door. My mom gave me a funny look then shrugged. I turned my car on and drove to the hospital.

I parked and ran into the hospital. A bunch of people gave me weird stares, but I didn't care. Annabeth was the only thing that mattered. I ran to the front desk. " hi , how may I help you?" the lady asked me. This lady is wasting my time." Hi " I said curtly. " I need to see Annabeth Jackson." I told her. " I'm sorry, but Mrs. Jackson is in a very delicate state right now and she is to have only family visit her."  She said. I sighed. " But I am family." I replied. the lady looked me over and said, " yeah and I'm the queen of England."  I glared at the lady and she backed away a little. " Please , please let me see her." I begged the lady giving her my infamous seal eyes ( works every time) . I'm not above begging to get what I want especially when it comes to Annabeth or her safety. Finally, the lady softened (it sounds like the lady is butter  that I need to make cookies. Use one cup of butter softened. mix with sugar. beat until creamy.) and gave me the room number that Annabeth was in. I thanked her and ran down the hallway until I found her room. Ah yes,Room #542, there it is. I stopped abruptly in front of the door, My heart pounding in my chest. I knocked on the door and there was no answer, so I opened the door and walked in.

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