74. Axelle

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74. Axelle

Here I was. On the bed. A blanket around my body. Some water and some biscuits next to me. Logan’s worry had reached a new level. I couldn’t do anything myself, because imaging that something would go wrong … In the begin, I thought it was cute. That was the time when I should have told him that he didn’t need to worry. It wasn’t that you needed to treat a pregnant women as a baby. Now, I couldn’t even go to the toilet myself without telling someone. Where was my privacy?

Some people even laughed with Logan. Every time Oliver needed to babysit on me, he asked how the prisoner was doing. Everyone thought that his rules were excessive. The fact that I needed to rest needed to be followed very strictly, he said. Maybe I needed to talk to him about it. To tell her that I could be alone for a few hours and that I didn’t need a babysitter.

Slowly, I stretched myself and grabbed the water bottle from my night table. I drank a little bit and sat it back on the table. I could summarize my actions of the last few days. Rest, eat and rest again. I didn’t do anything else. I hadn’t been outside the last few days. I really needed some fresh air. With that thought in mind, I got up from the bed.

In these few days, my belly already grew a bit bigger. With some pieces of clothes, you could see clearly that I was pregnant. In my opinion, it was because I had twins. I stretched myself. My muscles became tired, because I didn’t walk that often. I became irritated when Logan carried me through the house. Even my babysitters needed to carry me, but they laughed as soon as Logan was out of sight.

My feet walked downstairs. I didn’t know if anyone was home. Correction, I didn’t know who was home. Logan would never leave me alone. What if I didn’t have any water, or worse … what I got eaten by my blanket. I stopped on the bottom of the stairs and waited a few seconds. I really needed to do some sports. Those pregnancy lessons would be a good start. Or maybe pregnancy yoga? Maybe some others would participate as well. It would be that different from ordinary yoga.

“ Look who we have here “ Oliver and Jack looked in my direction, as soon as I walked into the livingroom. I rolled my eyes at their reaction. I knew, just as they, that Logan wouldn’t be happy if he saw me walking downstairs. “ I needed some fresh air. “ I said, softly as I walked to the backdoor. Oliver and Jack walked behind me. “ I hope you have already an explanation when Logan sees you “ Oliver said. I wasn’t the only one who knew that Logan didn’t listen to anyone if it was about my safety and health. He even didn’t listen to me.

“ I will come up with something. And if I don’t, I will just look at him with puppy eyes “ I laughed. I stepped outside and felt the sun on my skin. I smiled. I really missed this. I understood that I needed to stay in bed for the first few days. The doctor had told us that I needed a lot of rest. At this moment, I thought that Logan was too worried. I could take care of myself.

I sat down on one of the chairs and closed my eyes. The sun cause a happy warmth and I almost felt asleep. I couldn’t sleep in my bed during the day, but on a chair in the garden, I could?! I awoke by a whisper discussion. I recognised the voices. It didn’t need to be fully awake to recognise them. It were Logan and Oliver. Of course I could guess the reason.

I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the noise. They noticed that I was awake. Logan came towards me and sat down on the chair next to me. He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hands. ‘ Isn’t it better that sleep upstairs? “ He asked. His eyes looked at my face. “ I needed some fresh air, and besides, I sleep way better here. “ I said.

I closed my eyes again and he didn’t answer immediately. This was the end of the discussion for me. Logan needed to worry about much important topics than where I wanted to sleep. I slept where I wanted. I had won a battle in this war and I was positive that I also would win the next one. I would make very clear that he didn’t need to worry and that I was capable of taking care of myself.

A/N: New chapter :) Next one will be published on friday :)


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