68. Axelle

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68. Axelle

Logan was working. Jack went to a restaurant with Grace and Oliver en Emily were upstairs. I really needed to make some new friends. The only persons I knew, were busy with other things. The television wasn't a good alternative, because nothing really interesting was on it. Maybe I could send thank you-cards to all the guests who went to the Luna ceremony. Yes, that seemed like a good idea.

I went to my bedroom, when I saw Oliver standing before Emily's bedroom. He was mumbling to himself. Like he was preparing himself to enter. Suddenly, it seemed like he was ready and knocked on the door. Slowly, he opened it and went inside.

I was a little curious to know what they were going to talk about. I walked every slowly to the door. Luckily, Oliver hadn't closed them completely. " I think we need to talk about something. " He touched the back of his neck. " About yesterday.. " I could see fear on her face. " I'm sorry if I did something that you didn't want. " She immediately shook her head, with a smile.

" I'm not sorry for what happened. If I didn't want it, I would have pushed you away. " A small smile appeared on Oliver's face. " Would you be interested in going on a date with me? So we can get to know each other. " Oliver leaned from his left to his right leg. He was nervous for her answer. When she said yes, the smile appeared again. " Tonight? "

Those two were absolutely adorable. Their bodies told that they were in love with each other. But they were too shy to admit it. And with an embarrassing moment of me, I made my presence known. I opened the door because of a fall and I watched them a little embarrassed.

They looked at me with a surprised expression. They clearly wanted to know what I was doing here. " I wanted to ask Emily if she wanted to help me with my wedding photo's and stuff like that. I have a lot of work and I can use some help. " I said, while I got up. " I need to go. I also have some other things to do. See you tonight? " Oliver put a few steps backwards and as soon as Emily agreed, he went outside.

" Did you spy on us? " She laughed. I, just like her, couldn't suppress my laugh. " You two are so cute together " I said, making her cheeks go red. " But I really need your help. I need to select some pictures for my albums. And I want to send some thank you-cards. " I sighed. " Of course, I want to help you. " And that caused us to go to my bedroom, where we sat on my bed with a laptop and at least hundred pictures in front of us.


Emily looked dreamy to one of the pictures. It was one of Logan and me a second after he gave me a ring. " You were looking really beautiful " She said, almost as a whisper when she put the picture on the bed. She turned her head towards me. " I think like every bride " I said. " And how was your short vacation? " She put her arms around her knees and looked at me. " I think like every honeymoon. We did a lot of things together, till Jack told us about you and Oliver. "

" I'm sorry that we disturbed your honeymoon " She mumbled. I put my hand on her arm. " Don't be sorry. We only had a couple of days left. The pack can't miss us for too long " I laughed. And we couldn't mis the pack. Emily bit her lip. She was clearly thinking of something, that she didn't want to tell me. When we had watched the pictures, I had told her about Logan and me. She was a few times surprised of the things I told her. She couldn't believe that I had forgiven Logan. And when I had finished, she had mumbled that she hoped that Oliver and she would have an even good relationship as me and Logan.

" Ask. You are clearly thinking of something. I don't bite " She waited a few seconds, before she ask: " Are you trying for a baby? You don't need to answer if you don't want to. " I felt my cheeks getting red. " We are working on it " I whispered. " Working on it? " She asked with open mound. " Are you already .... " I shook my head, before she could finish her sentence. " I don't know. I haven't done a test yet " I mumbled. Emily grabbed my arms and said, with her face a few centimeters from mine: " Let's get one. " Yes, I was curious to know if I would become a mother. So maybe it was time to see if we could have a little party or not.

" You know. I will help you with your date and in the meantime, we will get a test. " Emily smiled widely. She clearly couldn't wait till she knew the answer of the question. Ten minutes later, we were already standing in a fitting room. We had taking almost all the dresses of her size and she already put on the first one. I hoped that this would take a long time.

Eventually, we bought a lot. Because she hadn't a lot of clothes, we needed to buy everything. I didn't had any excuses to go to the pharmacy. I pushed Emily inside and waited outside. The whole pack would be talk about this, if they knew that that test was for me. Nobody would think anything when they saw Emily. She waved with the test in the air, when she came towards me. Every subtile Emily. Very subtile ....

A/N:I just want to say that it's been more than a week since the ceremony, so if Axelle is pregnant, she can already test it ;)

Let me know what you think about this chapter :) 

Next one will be published on sunday :)


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