45. Axelle

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45. Axelle

Logan's hand rubbed my back. My face was hidden in his chest. I had heard the whole story of Oliver and at one piece, I got a little emotional. Logan had interrupted him and had pushed me against him. I was still sitting like that now. Jack and Oliver had already left. Logan had asked them to make everything back to normal. Like bringing back the pack members who were thrown out of the pack.

" We can visit them again later, if you want to " He whispered in my ear. I nodded as responds. He rocked me and a small silent moment developed. My thoughts were still going on. They kept thinking about my parents. Images of possible things that happened to them were going through me.

I grabbed his shirt. Immediately, I had his attention. My head laid on his shoulder, while he leaned a little bit forward. " What's wrong? " He brushed some pieces of hair out of my face and looked at me. His eyes scanned my whole face to see what was going on.

" I'm thinking too much " I mumbled against the skin of his shoulder. His thumb was rubbing my cheek. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop my thoughts. " Try to think of something else " I did what he proposed. I tried to think of something else. I thought of the Luna position, something I would probably have sleepless nights about, and of Logan. Neither of them helped. I still thought about my parents.

" It doesn't work " I whimpered. Logan pushed me even more closer against him and gave me a kiss on my forehead. " Maybe you can tell me what you think about my father " It was a stupid question and only to distract me. " I think he's scary. It seems like he doesn't like me " I started. Logan's thumb kept rubbed over my cheek, telling me to keep speaking. " I understand why everyone is so afraid of him. He radiates authority "

A shiver went through me when I thought about him. I remember how he looked at me. Some hate had been seen in his eyes. Probably, because he thought that I was responsible for this whole situation. " He's an Alpha, Axelle. Alpha's always radiate authority " I leaned a little bit backwards, to look at him. " I don't think you radiate authority " I said. He chuckled almost immediately. " Of course you don't think that. We're mates. I would never use my Alpha voice at you. " I think, it had to be not anymore, instead of never.

I put my head again on his chest and his hand started rubbing again on my head. " Let's take a nap. Finally, I can cuddle with you while we're sleeping " He kissed me, one more time on my forehead before standing, with me in his arms. " And the pack? " Logan already started to walk up the stairs. " The pack will take care of themselves for a few hours. If something is urgent, I will awake you "

Upstairs, he threw me on the bed. A small cry escaped my mouth when I landed, which resulted Logan to laugh. He lifted the blanket and I crawled underneath. Now, we could finally sleep properly. The hospital bed wasn't that comfy. Logan laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. He pushed me close against him and his face touched mine. " Sweet dreams, Axelle" He yawned. " Sweet dreams, Logan " I said to him. 

A/N: It's a little filling chapter :s I'm sorry. Maybe another update tomorow, or sunday :)

Don't hesitate to tell me if I made any mistakes :)


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