78. Axelle

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78. Axelle

~ few weeks later ~

My hands were holding the cup with hot coffee. My body had decided that I needed to feel cold. The first few days, we had turn the heating higher, but everyone in the house was wearing almost nothing, because it was really hot in the house. That's why I decided to use some blankets and other warm things.

The boys were busy with the children's room. It was already painted. It caused that we could look for furniture. I couldn't wait to start.

I got downstairs. My belly was getting bigger by the day. I had more difficulties with walking or going upstairs. Logan saw this as a sign that I needed to stay in bed. I had sighed and was, as soon as he walked away, got out of the bed. Like now. If I stayed in bed for too long, I had pain in my back. And sleeping the whole day, wasn't one of my favorite things to do.

As soon as I was downstairs, I put a hand in my belly. I needed a few seconds to catch my breath. After that, I went to the kitchen and put some coffee in my cup. I just wanted to walk back to my room, when I heard Logan and Oliver. I kept listening at the door.

" I can't leave Axelle, on this moment. " My face pushed itself closer to the door. " But we're here to protect her. " Logan sighed deeply. " Or take her with you? You guys can have some time alone. And that will be good, now you're going to be parents soon. " It was silent for a few seconds, like Logan was thinking about Oliver's words. " But what would axelle think of this? If she doesn't want to go, we will have a problem"

I decided to disturb the conversation and opened the door. " I think that Axelle would love to go with you. She only wants to know where you're going ". The two of them were startled, when I walked in the room and they turned towards me. " Were you eavesdropping? " chuckled Oliver. I showed them my cup. " My servant didn't come when I needed him to get me coffee, so I did it myself. "

Logan came towards me and wrapped his arm around me. " The next time you need to shout a little louder for you servant " He said, before he kissed my cheek. His hand touched my belly. I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked at him, waiting for his answer of my question. He walked with me to the couch " An Alpha asked for a meeting. You know that I don't want to leave you alone. Definitely not now, so we're looking for a solution." I nodded slowly, before I sat down. " So I'm going with you" I said, with a little smile. I couldn't wait to go away. A few days vacation, even though logan needed to work. I would meet some new people. Maybe get some experience. I didn't see any disadvantages.

" When do we leave? " I asked. I put my hands on my belly and waited for an answer. " Tomorrow morning. So we have some time to pack our things and you can still sleep for some hours " Logan kissed my forehead.

10 minutes later, I was lying in my bed again. A blanket was covering me and Logan was standing before our suitcases. " Maybe it's better if Oliver comes with u " he mumbled. " I want to make sure that you have someone with you who we can trust. " He turned around so he could look at me. " Are you going to play the worried mate again? " I asked, with a raised eyebrow. I really hated that he was worried all the time. I was a big girl ... I could take care of myself. I didn't need a babysitter. " I don't want you to be in danger " He came towards me and sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. " You're vulnerable now, Axelle. We're going to another pack. The more people there to protect you, the better" He kissed my lips, and went back to the closet. Logan was maybe right, but he needed to trust the fact that nothing would hammen. And if something would happen, he would be the one who would protect me.

A/N: Sorry that it took me some days. The story is almost finished,but still some chapters are coming.

Hope you liked it :)


The Omega [English]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora