15. Logan

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15. Logan

I didn't know how I came up with the idea of surprising her. I was just thinking about her want I got something to drink. We didn't know each other, so maybe a surprise would help us. It would be the first step to get to know each other. I had a lot of ideas. I could cook or we could watch a movie? I decided to do both. I brought Axelle back to her room and started the preparations. I hadn't cooked before, except some small dishes. I wanted to make something simple and healthy.

A servant had done the errands and I started cooking. When it was almost ready, I went upstairs to change. Some minutes later, I knocked on Axelles door. She opened it after several minutes. She looked at me, before bowing her head and grabbing the bottom of her sweater.

" I cooked for us. I hope you like it " We walked back down. She didn't say anything during the meal. She had talked to me this afternoon. When didn't she talk now? Was there something wrong?

After our meal, we sat in the couch. I had got a lot of girl movies. Hopefully, she like one of them. After some incouraging words, she picked one. I started the movie. She was sitting on the other side of the couch. She didn't trust me.Through the movie, I was thinking about subject to talk about.

When the movie finished, I turned towards her. " Do you want to get to know me? " I asked her. She was looking down Some pieces of hear fell for her face. I didn't see her face, so I didn't really know the answer to my question.

" You don't need to tell something about yourself, if you don't want to " I said. I waited for a responds, which didn't came. " You probably don't believe me but you're going to be my first girlfriend. If you want to of course " I quickly said. " It's just .... My mother would have killed me if she knew I hadn't waited for my mate so yeah ... That's why I sometimes behave strange, you know. I don't always know how to react. " I looked at her and waited, again, for a responds. This time, I also didn't get a responds. I sighed and was thinking quickly for another subject.

A/N: Sorry for this late update. My examens started so the next update while be after 25th of January.

I hope you liked the chapter :)


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