20. Axelle

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20. Axelle

I got into heat that night. At first, I didn't know what it was. My mother told me while I swallowed the pain. She said it was something female wolves got when her mate marked her and they didn't finish the mating process. The longer it lasted, how more pain I got. My mom tried to help me, but she couldn't help me. My eyes started watering and I was praying to the moon goddess to help me.

Suddenly, the pain reduced. I slept, as soon as it was endurable. The next morning, I noticed what happened. I woke up in the arms of Alpha Logan. I stayed in that position, because I didn't want to wake him up. Did my parents call him?

This moment gave me the opportunity to look at him properly. He had black circles under his eyes. It was clear he hadn't slept good the last few days. At some places on his face were some little scares. It seemed like he had hurt himself and that the scars hadn't healed properly. I started to feel some guilt. This happened because I ran away.

I stretched a little bit and touched a scar. His eyes opened immediately and looked right into mine. I mumbled an apology, before I looked away. Awkward.

He let go off me, when he looked at his arms who were around me. " Sorry " He said, before he got up. He stretched himself and said: " I'd better go. I won't bother you anymore. " He didn't give me a chance to answer, because he walked outside.

I still lay on the bed. The way he said that sentence, made me feel bad. He had tried to get to know me and yes, he had made some mistakes, but maybe I needed to give him another chance. He was looking very bad and the announcement yesterday said that he wanted to give everyone a better life. It wasn't a coincidence that the omega positions had been removed, while I was an omega. I was a well thought out decision. I decided to go after him. He was just walking to the front door. " Alpha Logan! " I jelled. He stopped, as soon as I jelled his name.

I went downstairs. " Why are you doing this to yourself? Why can't you just look for somebody else? " I asked him. I wanted to have an answer to those two questions before I decided to give him another chance or not. He was still standing in the doorway. " I'm not going to look for somebody else, because I don't want anybody else. The goddess has put us together. I know I made some mistakes and I'm going to take my responsibility for that mistakes. " He said.

" It's better if we say goodbye ... It will be the last time that you see me " He said to me. He put a few steps backwards and said: " I wish you a happy life without me " After that, he turned around and stepped away, leaving me behind with all my questions. 

A/N: If you see any mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me :) 

I hope you like the chapter.


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