7. Axelle

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7. Axelle

I woke up by someone knocking on the door. I throw the blanket off, of fme and wiped my eyes. What time was it? 2 girls walked into the room. One with clothes and the other a plate. I saw a bottle of water and some cookies. It were those cookies who were the reason I walked to the two girls. I grabbed one of the plate and put it in my mouth. I had just eaten some fish and soup and now I was already hungry.

" We are here to make you ready for the dinner this evening. We bring some clothes " The girl put the clothes on the bed and let me choose with I liked. Eventually I choose some jeans and something that covered my arms. I didn't want that my parents saw my wounds. Only my face wasn't covered. The girls went after I had chosen. I waited till then to dress me.

" You look gorgeous " I jumped and turned around when I heard Logans voice. I wanted to bow my head, but stopped when I remembered his words. " You parents are already here " He gave me his hand and I took it slowly. Together why walk downstairs. I stayed still when I saw my parents. I didn't know how to react, but when I did, I throw myself into my mother's arms.

" Sweetheart " She petted my hair. After a long hug, I did the same with my dad. Afterwards, there was a uncomfortable silence. Logan was still standing into the room and my parents surely didn't know what to do or what to say. So we sat on the table. There were candles, flowers and some decorations. Logan clearly did some effort.

Some servants brought the food. It was delicious, like the previous time. My stomach growled happy, when Logan ordered a second portion for me. I was too shy to ask it myself. Logan let me and my parents alone after diner. We had a lot to talk about.

I was very sad when they needed to leave. I was already dark outside. The beta would bring them home. Another thing Logan had arranged.

Back at Logans bedroom, I wanted to sleep. I was tired from this long day. Normally I slept many hours. I heard a knock and Logan entered. " You need to have the crème " He said. He even showed the tube and came closer. " Calm down " He said, when I putted a step backward. He did some on my arms and the other visible place. The others, I did myself. I would do it after he left. Logan gave me a goodnight kiss on my forehead. I caused sparks through my whole body. " Good night " He said, before he closed the door.

After I did put on the crème, I got into the bed. I wanted to sleep forever, if that was okay for Logan. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and fall asleep.

A/N: The second chapter off today :) I hope you like it.


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