26. Axelle

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26. Axelle

I hid my head under the pillows. What was going on? I couldn't sleep. I was wide awake. It seemed like someone was playing with my mind. They didn't want me to sleep. Was it because Logan wasn't here? Just when I felt like I was falling asleep, I heard some noises on the stairs. My eyes flew open and I listened very carefully. My parents were sleeping, so they weren't on the stairs. Who was it? A thief or someone like that?

I grabbed the book on my night table, just to be sure, and pulled it under my blanket. A few seconds later, I heard someone opening my door and entering the room. Was this person going to kidnap me? Murder me? I tried to be as silent as possible. The person stepped closer and closer towards me and the blanket was lifted off of me. This was my signal. I turned and throw my book at this person.

The book hit my target. The person stepped backwards, clearly surprised because of my attack. I turned on my night-lamp. This person wasn't the only one who was surprised.

Logan was standing before me. His hand was on his head. " Sorry " I said. I put my legs on the ground and walked towards him, after I had pulled my nightgown down. " It's my fault. I shouldn't have come here in the first place " It was on this moment I realised that he was standing in my room. In the middle of the night.

" Why are you here? " I asked him. Logan smiled shyly, like he was ashamed of what he was going to say. " I couldn't sleep. And I hoped, you were still awake " His hand left his face. The small bulge had already disappeared. His hand grabbed mine. " You could have rung the bell instead of sneaking in? " He chuckled and wrapped his other arm around me.

" I can't think right now. I missed you too much and yeah ... Men can do stupid things you know " I walked back to the bed with him and sat down. I wanted to test if Logan was the reason why I couldn't sleep. If the answer was yes, I could finally sleep.

" I will lay on the edge " Logan had a little piece of the blanket on him and laid on the edge of the bed. Was he doing this for me? Did he want to give me some space? " You can come closer, you know " I said to him. He wouldn't sleep on that edge. And I didn't want him to be tired tomorrow. Slowly, he came closer to me, till the blanket was all over him. " Sleep tight " He had turned his head towards me and smiled. I nodded, before I turned off the light. " Sleep tight "

We laid next to each other. I heard Logan's breathing slowing down and knew he had fall asleep. I sighed and closed my eyes. Ready to fall asleep, but something surprised me for the second time in a few minutes. Logan crawled closer to me in his sleep and wrapped his arms around me. His head laid against me and he sighed happy. I couldn't escape from this hold. And somehow, I didn't want to. So I closed my eyes again and fell asleep immediately. 

A/N: Don't hesitate to tell me if I made any mistakes :)

You can still send me questions for the Q&A :)


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