27. Logan

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27. Logan

I was the first one to awake the next morning. I had slept wonderful and I wanted to stay in bed, but unfortunately I had some appointments today I couldn't reschedule. I kissed Axelle's forehead and unwrapped my arms from her. She was still sleeping. She only turned and mumbled something to herself. Probably that I wasn't laying next to her. I thought it was very cute that she responded to me like that.

I watched her for a few seconds, before I walked out the house. The more space between us, the more my wolf started complaining. My appointments couldn't last long. My wolf wouldn't let me. He wanted to go back as soon as possible, so I hoped they were ready very quick.

Oliver was already waiting for me. He was chuckling when he saw me, but didn't ask where I came from. His chuckling said enough. I hadn't done anything wrong. I only slept next to my mate. Nothing more, nothing less.

" The Alpha is already waiting on the phone " He said to me, when I entered my office. I took the phone, which was laying on the desk, immediately. I used special phones for meetings like this. To be sure nobody was spying on us.

The meeting with the Alpha kept on lasting. We were speaking about supplies and normally, I was a tough negotiator. But today, I would have said yes to everything to go back to Axelle as quick as possible.

Someone opened the door. It was Jack. Oliver had stayed in the office with me, to give me advice when I asked for it. Jack's face was insecure. I ended the meeting with the Alpha and turned back towards him. " What's wrong Jack? " He looked at me like something really bad happened.

He looked at me, than to Oliver and back to me. " Maybe it's better if I show it to you " He said quietly. I got up from my chair and walked behind him. We kept on walking. It was the same way I had taken this night. The houses, who were in the past from the omega's, were seen. Axelle. Her name came into my mind and I started to feel anxious. Did something happen to her?

Eventually, we stopped right in front of her house. I ran inside the house, without Jack or Oliver. The smell of blood was strong. Almost immediately, I saw her mother laying on the ground. I ran upstairs and almost tripped over her father. I didn't find Axelle. Had they kidnapped her? Was she oke?

I collapsed on the ground and yelled a few times. When I thought everything went fine, this happened. Why hadn't I been with her when this happened? This was all my fault! But I was going to make up. I would search for her and bring her back home.

A/N: A new chapter :) I hope you like it. Don't hesitate to tell me if I made any mistakes :)

You can still send me questions for the Q&A :)


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