70. Logan

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70. Logan

I wasn't sure what I had in my hand, but the two lines that were on the test, told me enough. Was she ...? I looked at her, and saw two red cheeks. " I wanted to tell you that I was going to take the test, but I wanted to wait after I knew if it was positive or negative. " She said. She looked a little nervous. She didn't have any reason to be nervous. I was going to be a dad! I couldn't be happier than I was at this moment.

" You're pregnant, Axelle. We're getting a baby " I looked at her, with a big smile. " Really? " She asked. I understood that she didn't had the time to look at the test, because I entered the room. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her lips. " Really " I said. She grabbed my shirt and a few tears were visible on her cheeks.

I whipped away the tears. " You don't need to cry, Axelle. You just made me the happiest guy in the world. Why would you cry? " I said to her. I petted her back and pushed her closer to me. We stayed in that embrace for a few seconds, before I started to get a bit worried. Was everything okay with Axelle and the baby?


A day later, after we celebrated the pregnancy, we went already to the doctor. I wanted to be sure that Axelle and the baby were doing fine, even though it was maybe a little too early for that. The doctor took some blood and asked us some questions. Eventually, nothing bad was seen in Axelle's blood. Just in case, she needed to take some more vitamins and eat more vegetables.

Oliver and the rest of our friends noticed that something was wrong. We just couldn't hide our smiles, so they guested what was happening. Of course, they were very enthusiastic. I didn't get the chance to say anything else, because they were already talking about how happy they were for us, and we were already talking about names.


" If you want, we can do an ultrasound. In my opinion, you two can't wait to see if it's going to be a girl or a boy. " A week or two after our discovery of becoming parents, we were already back at the doctor. This time to do an ultrasound. We couldn't wait to know the gender of our baby. And in my opinion, we weren't the only ones. Even the doctor seemed nervous, curious and enthusiastic. As soon as we were going home, we would call the pack together and tell them the good news.

We needed to wait another few minutes,before we finally saw our baby on the screen. The heartbeat could be heard and the doctor pointed to our baby at the screen. My hand grabbed Axelle's. She was trying not to cry. She would become a great mother. She already loved our baby, just like me.

If you want, I can tell you the gender. " She said. She looked at us to see the answer. That answer didn't take long. We nodded our head. " Your first baby is going ot be " She turned her head towards the screen and said with a smile: " A baby boy, congratulated " 

A/N: A smaller chapter, but I hope you liked it :)

Next one will be published on friday.


The Omega [English]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz