38. Logan

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38. Logan

We heard a lot of howls, went we got closer to the pack. Luca had clearly doubled the amount of guards. He expected me to come. I pushed Axelle a little bit behind and walked further.

The guards didn't give us any problems to cross the border. They were still loyal to me, even though Luca was their Alpha. Maybe Oliver's presence had helped us. We walked further, to the heart of the pack. We stopped at a public square. I would claim my title on this spot.

Someone had called him when we crossed the border. He was already waiting for us, with his arms crossed. I hadn't expected anything else. " Hello Brother " He said with a grin. " I already expected you to come " You could clearly hear the enmity in his voice. My hand let go of Axelle's. " Stay with Oliver. You don't need to worry. Everything will be fine " I whispered to hear. I had turned my head towards her and was almost standing with my back towards Luca. A dangerous situation, but I wanted to tell her this. I kissed her forehead, and watched how Oliver took her away from me. On moments like this, you knew who you could trust.

Everything gave us some space, what cause Luca en me to stand in the middle of the square. A lot of pack members were standing around us. I saw Jack in the crowd. Everybody had come to be part of this special moment. I didn't wait any longer and spoke the words: " Logan, I challenge you, Luca, for the Alpha title "

Their was a small silence after that sentence. You couldn't hear anything, except breathing. Luca was the first one to break that silence, because he changed in his wolf.

A curse escaped out of my mouth. The last time, I saw Luca in his wolf was a few years before. Before I had become an Alpha myself. The image that I had of his wolf, was a small, black one. You couldn't even call it a wolf. Now, he was much stronger and bigger. I tried not to show that I surprised me, because would love to see surprise on my face. That's why I changed immediately in my wolf.

I shook my fur and waited. I knew Luca. He would want to take the first step in this fight. And it gave me the chance to observe him.

Like I thought, he ran towards me. Growling and with the fur on his back upright. I put a few steps forwards, so we would crash in the ari. Our front paws against each other. He tried to bite me in my neck, but I gave him a push, right on time.

We landed back on our four paws, on the ground. I ran immediately to him and wanted to hit him with my paw, but he stood up quicker than I thought. How was it possible that he was just a strong as I, maybe even stronger. It wouldn't surprise me if he had trained a lot the last few years. He had waited for the right moment. He waited for my weakness and he had finally found it. Axelle. My thoughts went to Axelle for a short moment. I watched from the corner of my eye and saw she standing with Oliver and Jack.

Luca en I rolled over the flour. Our position changed, while we tried to bit into each other's skin, which failed. I pushed him of off me with my back paws. He landed on the ground. My tongue hung out of my mouth and I was gasping a little bit.

I had underestimated him. If I had known, maybe I wouldn't have give up my Alpha position. I would have taken Oliver and Jack with me when Axelle was kidnapped. We could have brought her back with us three. But no, I wanted to do it my way and now, I wasn't sure if I would beat Luca.

Luca got up. We looked at each other, without moving. A few meters between us. That was the moment, a scream cause me to lose my concentration. My ears recognized it immediately. I turned my head and saw Jack and Oliver in their wolf, standing before Axelle. Around them were at least 20 wolves. What was happening? What was going on? A lot of questions were going through my mind.

Luca used this moment to bite me. I tried to push him away. After some difficulty, his teeth got out of my skin. I felt the wound on my side. I hurt a little bit.

I still heard noises from the crowd. I tried to share my attention between Luca en Axelle. I knew why this was happening. Luca was cheating! He knew that if he hurt Axelle, I would go to her. Luca would easily beat me if I ran to. And sadly, that was the only thing I wanted to do at the moment.

Jack stood before her, while Oliver tried to keep the wolves away. Two against twenty wasn't a fair battle. I needed to help them! I looked at Luca and growled. He ran towards me, almost immediately.

Anger was going through me. My attacks became crueler, wilder, aggressiver. After some attacks, he had finally weaken a bit. I had some injuries myself. As soon as Luca was laying on the ground, I ran towards Axelle. I needed to help her!

Her eyes crossed mine shortly. She called my name. " No, Logan! Behind you " The scream reached my ears too late. I felt a weight on me and I collapsed on the flour. I felt some teeth going through my skin and I whimpered. I knew I couldn't go to her! But I couldn't think when I saw her like that.

Luca was pushed me against the flour and took his teeth out of my neck. I saw the blood coming out of the wound. Still, I tried to stand up. Immediately, he gave me a push against my side. I fell on the flour again. The wound on my side got bigger. I felt how the wound teared more open. Again, a small whimper escaped my mouth.

He was standing before me. Some sort of grin on his face. Someone gave him pants and he took it, after he changed back in his human form. " It was an honour to fight with you, Logan. Just a shame it was only one time. Goodby my brother "

He stepped on me and pushed his feat on the wound in my neck. Pain was going through me. I wouldn't last this forever. Nobody could help me. I was thinking about a few things. Mostly Axelle. I wanted to think of her when I died.

My eyes closed. I waited. It wouldn't last long now. He kept his feet pressed on the wound. Deeper and deeper. And then ... BOEM.

A/N: I hope you like the chapter :) Don't hesitate to tell me if I made any mistakes :)


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