His voice is warm and rich; my heart beats faster than it's design specs should allow.

"Someone is being such a gentleman for me." I said, stressing the word me, a glint of teasing in my tone and I bit my lip to control my chuckle as I could see his body visibly tensing but he was controlling it.

He bent down so that his eyes were in level with mine as he looked at me, his face void of emotion and I narrowed my eyes.

"Its hard not to when there is a beautiful woman right in front of me." He said, taking me aback, his voice impossibly low and erotic and I bit my lip, he purred, staring at my lips.

"Don't do that." He groaned. "It makes me want to touch them with my own."

My mind immediately flashbacked to our first session back in Arkham, where he had said the exact same line to me.

Things have changed so much since then.

If someone had told me back then that I would be sitting in The Joker's house having a fancy dinner with him, they would be my next patient.

But, here I am!

How can he possibly not have developed feelings for me? So much had happened between us.

Does he really not see me more than his personal psychiatrist?

I looked at his eyes deeply and knew that he was thinking of our past too. I felt his breathing go erratic for a second before he stood up sharply and walked to the chair on the other end of the dining table.

He definitely has something for me, or I would have been killed by him right now but I am still alive and breathing.

And annoying him too.

And everyone who lives in Gotham knows that the Joker is not someone to mess with and I am definitely messing with him and his crazy little mind.

I am definitely special to him.

"Eat." He said, breaking my thoughts, and I looked down at my plate of food, it was steak and pasta. My stomach rumbled and this time I was sure he didn't hear it because he was too far away.


I started eating and glanced up to see him not eating, his plate untouched. "Why aren't you eating?"

"You are the one who is ...hungry, not me." He said, pushing the plate infront of him away and placed his hands on the table, tapping a rhythm with the tip of his fingers. Something he would unconsciously do during our sessions, when he is waiting for something.

Is he waiting for me to finish eating? Silence filled the air, and I could feel the tension, the jolts of electricity in the air surrounding us and I was sure he could feel it too.

"What's the surprise?" I asked, gulping down the steak, feeling satisfied as my flames of hunger slowly died down. I grabbed the glass of cold water and drank it, finally feeling fully satisfied.

He stood up at my question and he glanced down at my plate, to see if I had eaten fully. I found that cute, like he was taking care of me.

He walked over, grabbing a newspaper from the chair beside him and came behind me. I stiffened. Pushing the plate in front of me away, he placed the newspaper infront of me. Placing his hand on my shoulders, I could feel his warm breath in my ears, causing tingles all over my body.

"Read it." He said, barely above a whisper.

I glanced over at the article and scanned the front page quickly, a picture of the Arkham Asylum in it. Reading the article I realised that a grand funeral was being held in Gotham for all those staff who had died during the massacre.

I felt a twitch of guilt inside my stomach but I suppressed it.

"A funeral?" He asked me, his tone having a teasing glint. I realised in that moment that this was another test. Another test, another trial, where I prove to my love for him again. My loyalty. My honesty.

"Funerals are boring, right Dr. Quinzel?" He slurred my name, mocking it, his lips brushing my ear, making me shiver. His hands squeezed my shoulders, making my heart race.

"Let's put the fun in funeral then Mr. J." I said, surprising him as he came in front of me and smiled, a wide grin, and I knew he wasn't expecting me to respond like that.

He was expecting me to back out, his icy blue eyes shined of amusement and surprise.

"You never cease to amaze me."



Double update! (:

What do you think they should do in the funeral? You can suggest and maybe I will add them to the story.

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