"4!! 5!!!"

"You should've kept your mouth close stupid bitch." Harmony said grinning. Dajah look confusing but wasn't going to bitch out she thought Harmony was a stuck up mixed girl anyway. But in reality Harmony is the most laid back and down to earth person you could know. She just has a not filtered mouth

"6!!!" Mike Backed away seeing Amari run in as Harmony threw the first punch connecting to the right side of her jaw.

Then and There It was 2 on 1 but not for long until Rihnya showed up now it was a official deadly battle. Amari was taking care of Rihnya as Harmony was taking care of Dajah. Mike was calling Lucas to help him break up the fight but he responded I'm going to try to come as fast as I can. I was kinda do something important. Mike didn't have time to wonder what could have been so important for him to not stop what he doing and come help his girlfriend. Mike could careless but he knew he would have to be there for the both of them. Harmony started to enter her 'seek blood stage' and decided to swing Dajah by her hair into the pole, then the wall. Amari might have a few gears missing from her clock but Harmony has THE WHOLE DAMN CLOCK missing. Amari had Rihnya in headlock as they both were hitting each other as Dajah had a handful of Harmony hair but Harmony kept her neck in grasp pinned to the wall. Going blows for blows. Mike was able to get Amari, while security got the other one. But Harmony was tough.

"Harmony.Let.Go. LET GO!" He tugged at her lower waist as she tighten her grip on her neck. Mike finally got her off of her as Dajah fell down wheezing.

"SEE ME TOMORROW FOR ROUND 2 BITCH" Amari yelled out laughing as she was being taken to the office along with Harmony and Mike.


Over at Monica Warehouse, Mindy pulled up to the gate pressing the buzzer scared out of her mind.

"State Your Name" The lady in speaker said dreadfully

"Mindy, here to see Diamond." A buzz went off. As the gate open guys with guns lowered them but stay in position into she parked and went inside. Once she came into the front desk the lady showed her into where Diamond was. Once Mindy got into the office she seen looking at Security cameras while eating Ramen Noodles.

"Wassup" Mindy said sitting on the suede red couch, placing her bookbag on the floor.

"Hey Mindy Girl! What brings you by?" She said with a fork full of noodles in her mouth.

"Nothing. Just didn't feel like going home yet." Diamond nodded looking back on to the screen.

"Shidd. I wish I was home right now. Instead I got to watch the cameras till the girl that actually do it get here. Some bout Baby Daddy Drama." She said rolling her eyes, forking back into her noodles. Mindy thought she could probably get some useful information about this place to make it easier for Lucas and Amari not to get killed.

"Y'all got cameras everywhere?"

"Yup everywhere but the bathrooms. Just to give them some privacy, because I honestly don't want to see someone taking a Shit." Diamond chuckled. Mindy was thinking of questions so she could get deeper information.

"So they all are controlled individually or a one button type thing?"

"This button right here controls them all." She pointed at a button on the wall. "When you want it off you just hold it but you can just change the view with the computer." Mindy nodded pulling out her books.

"Wait but why you need cameras if you got all them guys with guns everywhere." She said sounding as confused as she could.

"Oh Them! They go home at 8. They don't do night time, they not like them army guards that be on TV. They be eating, shooting Shit for fun, they just horrible. But they will pop a cap on demand." Mindy said Oh and stopped with the questions she didn't want to sound like a interviewer. Mindy made sure that she remembers to come tomorrow for more information, but what she already has, have to be delivered before she forget completely.


BFF Fight Scene Was on Point.
Any confusion?😈

Y'all like Omniscient or Individual Pov like I been doing?

Awww Mindy Helping Out😘

Y'all liking Harmony so far?

What is so important that Lucas is doing?!

I NEED them likes and comments to know how I'm doing so far!!

New Life, Same Problems (EDITING)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum