Chapter 23

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Jung Ra In's POV

"Taehyung and hyuna?" Hyuna was clinging to taehyung's arm.

I mean does a girl have to wear such revealing clothes black translucent laced top and high cut jeans? And what's taehyung doing with her?

Kim Tae Hyung's POV

Is that Ra In? She looks different, if you asked me why am i with hyuna?

She kept pestering me to go shopping with her so i had to follow.

" Looks like you got a date" jimin said jokingly.

" You too" i was getting annoyed, why is she with jimin.

"Ah Ra In right? Wanna join us in eating?" Hyuna suddenly asked.

Say no please.

"Sure" she gave an awkward smile.

Jung Ra In's POV

Hyuna was glaring at me telling me to say yes so i had to i didn't want any trouble with her.

I grabbed Jimin oppa's hand and walked into a Cafe. I could feel Taehyung glaring at me from the back

"Oppa lets get a couple drink" hyuna said in a high pitch voice.

Taehyung did not reply.

"Oppa what do you want? I'll get a iced americano and a choco cake." I said excitedly almost jumping but then jimin oppa pinched my nose.

" Me too i'll get an americano" he said.

The waitress came and we ordered, hyuna then start telling is what they did, Basically shopping.

"So boring, Ra In-nie and i had more fun than you guys we wen-"i closed jimin oppa's mouth preventing him to say anything.

I didn't want anyone especially hyuna know what i do

The drinks arrived and i took out my phone to surf the net.

Taehyung and Hyuna was sharing drinks and taking digusting selcas.

"Smile Ra In" jimin oppa took a picture. Taehyung was all moody i not sure why too.

Kim Taehyung's POV

Aish i can't keep my eyes off Ra In i just wanna pull her away from Jimin and hug her tight.

Jimin is all close with her, i don't like it at all and i'm here stuck with hyuna.

"Oppa let's go shopping again" hyuna clinged onto my arms again. I'm tired i don't wanna go.

"No i tired bye" i said coldly and stood up leaving hyuna behind.

Park Jimin's POV

Taehyung left hyuna, and now hyuna's stuck with us.

" Ra In lets run from here away from hyuna"i whispered to ra in she gave me a slight nodded.

I grabbed all the bags in one hand and the other holding her hand.

"Ready 3,2,1 RUN"

We ran with all our might hyuna was chasing us but she's too slow she's wearing heels.

" O-okay w-we lost h-her." i breathed heavily.

It was so awsome running away.

"It's running alittle late i have to go back now oppa" Ra In said.

"I'll send you home"


"Oppa thanks for everything today" she hugged me and went inside her house,Her hug is so warm

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