Chapter 3

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Kim Tae Hyung's POV

"Alright boys go find your seat" Mr Byun said.




Typical fangirls who try to chase after you when you run, put presents and letters in your locker and annoying you every single second shouting 'Oppa' I  walked towards that girl that I eyed on from the very beginning and Sat down beside her

She glanced at me.

"Hi, I'm Kim Tae Hyung, what's your name nerd?"

She ignored me.

"Are you mute? Or deaf" I added,but surprisingly she still ignored me.But dang she one tough one, I came closer to her and whispered into her ear

"Babe you just messed with the wrong person".

Jung Ra In's POV

The chair beside me moved, I was praying hard that either one would sit beside me,I took a breath and turned to my right and saw Taehyung sitting beside me.

Doomed, I'm utterly doomed

"Hi, I'm Kim Tae Hyung, what's your name,nerd?" The fuck? I'm not a nerd, okay maybe I look like a nerd but people shouldn't judge one by the cover?!

I ignored him.

"Are you mute? Or deaf" he added, I could hear the slight sound of agitation,but I still ignored him.

He then suddenly came closer to me,My thoughts raced through my mind his breath gently touches my bare skin he then whispered something into my ear which sent chills down my spine.

"Babe you just messed with the wrong person"

I was in shocked


6 periods have passed and it's finally almost lunch time. I eagerly look at the class clock




Yes! The bell rung

Lunch time, it was the only period which I enjoyed the most, no boring lecture and annoying students who pick on you during class,I stood up and searched for Suzy.

"Suzy ah , let's go and have lunch together" I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the cafeteria.

We then went to buy out food, Cookies and cream bread and banana milk I always have that as my lunch.Suzy found a seat at the the corner of the cafeteria.

Normally if suzy wasn't here I'll hid in the toilet to eat.

No one likes sitting at the corner well not exactly almost all the girls in the school loves I repeat loves to sit near "BTS".

Except Suzy and me it's too noisy around them, well not every first day of school is pleasing for everyone especially now

"Oh my fucking god it's hot-"I felt a hot mixture being poured down from my head.

I turned around and saw-


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